break - calfreezy

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Callum x Reader

Pure Smut

I've been wrapped up in enemies to lovers themed stories, so I had to. The smut in this is pure filth, it is what it is. Mwah


The water cascaded down your body, washing away the anger, the filth, the disgust. You had been at Harry and Callum's flat for two days now. Harry had been your friend for years, you were originally friends with his sister Rosie, but as you grew up and personalities started forming, Harry and yourself had ended up being closer. Harry was always your go to, which is why he wasn't surprised at all when you ended up at his flat two nights ago, mascara down your face after you had found out your douchebag ex, Joel, had been cheating on you.

You'd found out by pure coincidence, running into his side chick at a party. You both had gotten along swimmingly, and chatted the night away. When the topic of boyfriends had come up, you found out she had been seeing someone for six months, and when you admitted you'd been seeing him for a year, pictures were shared and jaws had dropped. Bless the poor girls heart, you were furious, but you held nothing against her. You could tell the way her eyes welled up and she had instantly started stuttering her words that she, like you, had no idea she was being played. And when the two strong women you were conspired to confront him, his face upon both of your arrival was not worth all the money in the world. It was priceless. He had however calmed his shocked composure pretty quickly, getting on a back foot and calling you both every name under the sun. The other girl cried, you would not. Not in front of him. No, that was reserved unintentionally for the lift up to Harry's flat, shortly after packing your shit and leaving.

Harry had been great, the last two days being very eye opening. Your outspoken friend had not been shy to throw around a couple of "I told you so's", and you had not been shy to launch whatever small object was near you toward his general direction. You didn't really have an argument back though, he had indeed, told you so. Dick.

Today though, Callum was returning. You had sworn Harry to secrecy on the reasoning as to why you were here. You wouldn't be staying long, just until you found another flat, so that tall, lanky, twat was going to have to suck it up.

"I'm home!" You heard him bellow through the flat. You eyes rolled at the sound of his voice, an engrained reflex after years of pure hatred between you two.

You ignored the kerfuffle in the living room and quickly got changed into black jeans and a black knit jumper, topped with black boots, ready to go flat hunting. It was a black kind of day today.

After quickly doing your makeup, styling your hair a little more than usual, and packing your handbag, you walked into the lounge room, the heels of your boots clicking on the floor boards.

The fact Callum didn't even flinch at you entering the shared space made you think Harry had for-warned him, probably for the best.

"I'm going out," Harry interrupted the burning silence in the kitchen. "You two behave," he warned. He quickly nodded at Callum, and strode over, giving you a quick peck on the top of the head and a comforting pat on the back from where you stood at the coffee machine, before waltzing out the door.

"Just date already, God," Callum mumbled from his place at the island bench, perched on one of the stools. Just the way he sat annoyed you and you imagine he thought the stool was his all-so-reliable high horse.

"Fuck you" you simply retorted, inhaling the strong scent of the latte pouring into your take away coffee cup.

Callum stood and walked around the island, leaning against it directly behind you, a little too close for comfort. "Wouldn't you like to."

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