A fractured house

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Kat was sitting on a park bench reading the newspaper when she heard someone sit down on the bench beside her, "Who are you?"

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Kat was sitting on a park bench reading the newspaper when she heard someone sit down on the bench beside her, "Who are you?"

"Kat Garcia. Former agent of SHIELD and before you ask no I'm not Hydra are you?" Kat asked

The man shook his head, "Hell no. Former Military. Sam Wilson."

Kat nodded her head, "I believe we have a mutual friend Mr Wilson. I've been tracking him for months and you're the closet I've gotten to him."

"Mutual friend?" Sam asked

Kat nodded, "I hope you're not gonna make me say it. You never know who's listening."

"Oh, you're talking about our Captain of a mutual friend aren't you?" Sam asked

"I'm looking for them both, the widow and the captain any ideas?" Kat asked

Sam nodded, "The widow I can't help you with the Captain on the other hand how do I know you are who you say you are?"

"Can he hear us?" Kat asked and Sam nodded, "Okay then.  What does he want to know?"

Sam paused for a second before he said, "What was Russia?"

Kat chuckled and said, "Mouldy."

"Turn around."

Kat turned her head and saw Steve with a cap on standing behind her, Kat smiled and said, "You dick. I've heard from Tony, Bruce, Clint, I had a friend tell me that Thor was okay but not you or Nat my job is to know where you all are  and that you're not dead remember?"

"Former job right?" Sam asked

Kat looked over to him and said, "Please, we're SHIELD Mr Wilson do you really think we go down?"

Sam shook his head with a smile, "I was hoping SHIELD was still a thing."

"What happened?" Kat asked

Steve sat down on the bench opposite them and said, "The Winter Soldier. Heard of him."

Kat paused before she nodded, "I haven't just heard of him. I've worked with him."

The CLASSIFIED agent- 𝓐𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓢𝓗𝓘𝓔𝓛𝓓Where stories live. Discover now