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Kat woke up and she had no idea where she was, "Hey everything's gonna be okay, you're safe now

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Kat woke up and she had no idea where she was, "Hey everything's gonna be okay, you're safe now." Gordon's said

Kat looked over to him and said, "Gordon where am I? Where's Skye?"

Gordon walked over to the bed and said, "This is the place I was telling you and Skye about. You called for me. Do you remember?"

"How long have I been here?" Kat asked

"Two day's." Gordon said

Kat tried to sit up, "I need to go something bad has happened they need me."

Someone walked into the room, "I wouldn't leave right now not the best idea in the world."

Kat looked up and said, "You have got to be kidding me. Tai?"

Tai nodded, "Told you I left EPU for a reason, Gordo help me out here."

Gordon shook his head and said, "You are on your own with this one. I have to go now you are in very good hands. He's smarter than he looks."

Tai looked over to him, "How do you know that?" Gordon's then walked out of the room, "He's been by your side since the moment you got here he seems to like you."

"Are you gonna tell me who you really are?" Kat asked

Tai looked confused, "We've met I helped you in a shoot out I'm Tai Daniels your transitioner. Right your new to this. Everyone who goes through Terribgenisis has a transitioner to help them."

"Please cut to the chase my friends need me." Kat said

Tai nodded, "Impatient aren't you right, let me start from the beginning. Imagine a thousand years of evolution taking place instantaneously. That's what happened to you after the mist. We can help your body adjust to the change. We usually like to start the process after the mist but-"

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