S.O.S part one

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Skye ran over to Jiaying, "What happened?"

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Skye ran over to Jiaying, "What happened?"

"Gonazales...he said that we were...that inhumans should be exterminated. He had a gun." Skye tried to leave but Jiaying pulled her back, "No stay with me. Gordon will take care of him." Jiaying looked over to Lincoln and Tai, "Get everyone to safety."

Lincoln and Tai nodded as they stood up, "Let's go!" Tai shouted

Simmons walked over to them, "Let me take a look at that."

"No. SHIELDs done enough. We have our own doctors I'll be fine in time. Right now we have more pressing concerns." Jiaying said

Kat looked over to Jess and Simmons, "You should get out of here."

"What about you?" Jess asked

"We're staying." Skye said

Jess and Simmons nodded, as they ran off

. . . . . .

Lincoln the ran over to them, "We need to get you out of here."

Jiaying nodded as Lincoln helped her up, "Okay."

A quinjet then flew right above them, "Come on help me." Skye said

The quinjet then opened fire and sent a rocket launcher into one of the building sending Lincoln, Jiaying, Skye and Kat flying

As they stood up Jiaying said, "Why would you let them do this to us? I though you were on our side."

"I am. We are." Skye said

Kat nodded, "We had no idea I swear. "

Jiaying and Lincoln then walked off, one of the Inhumans then got shot.

The CLASSIFIED agent- 𝓐𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓢𝓗𝓘𝓔𝓛𝓓Where stories live. Discover now