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Dear Abigail,

I'm afraid this letter is much overdue, but I have been rather preoccupied since I arrived at Clyvedon. Before you laugh whilst reading this, I did not mean anything improper. Although, admittedly, such improper things did happen quite often.

I am not sure if you know or do not know what I am talking about, but I feel the need to tell you, that marriage is not what we were fooled into thinking it was.

I do not wish to trouble you, but married life has proven more difficult than I had imagined. I believed that whatever troubles came our way, Simon and I would face them together, but I have since learned he has been keeping secrets from me.

He has made a horrendous vow to his late father that the Hastings line will die with him. Again, I do not wish to be graphic but his inability to have children is not so much an inability, as a grudge he chooses to keep.

I am writing this letter because I require council, and Lord knows I cannot ask Mama. She sent me into the lion's den unprepared, I highly doubt she will understand the gravity of this situation. I need your help Abby. I miss my best friend. Write to me.

With all my love,


How are you? I hope things with Miss Bentley have worked themselves out since we left you. I do not know if you have announced anything yet, or even told your family but I wish you luck.

Well, I wish you luck and I caution you. I do not mean to sound melancholy, but marriage is proving more of a feat than I had anticipated. I certainly do not wish to overshare nor burden you with the troubles of my life nor your sister's, but I implore you to think carefully about the decision you and Miss Bentley are about to make. 

Once married, nothing is your own anymore. Not your thoughts nor your decisions. I would never tell you not to do something that would make you happy, but please, think about it clearly beforehand.

That is really all I had wished to say.


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