WINNER - A Night Of Secrets

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A Creature of the Night
By Amian__Benters 

The clock struck midnight, chiming loudly, as if to rub salt on their wound. Dani had always hated that big, ugly thing. Antique or not, it always got on their nerves when it rang. 

"Don't make that face now. It's scary," Alfie said, shrinking back in mock fear.

Sighing, Dani looked outside the small window. Snow fell endlessly through the darkened sky, pattering on the roof like thick rain water and dribbling down the window panes. A blanket of white stretched out wide, as far as their eyes could see.

"What are we gonna do?" Dani said, stomping their feet in frustration. 

Alfie looked around thoughtfully, before his face lit up like a bulb going off, and he grabbed Dani's small hand, leading them deeper inside the school. 

They passed by their classroom, Dani's head swivelling around to catch a glimpse through the window door, and past all the rooms lining the corridor. 

"Where are we going?" Dani asked, as they began to climb up the staircase leading to the second floor. 

"On an adventure." Alfie smiled broadly, showing off two crooked front teeth. 

"By adventure, I hope you do not mean the supply closet. I'm not going to go through those books again. They were disgusting." Dani's small face twisted in distaste, their eyebrows furrowing. 

"No, of course not. I am sorry I ever went through them to be honest," Alfie apologised. 

Dani smiled at him, warm eyes crinkling as their lips formed a heart shaped smile. "It's alright, sweetie. I know." 

Relief spread over Alfie's countenance and his legs hastened. 

As they made their way to the third floor, Dani vaguely realised where he was dragging them off to. 

To their surprise, Alfie passed by the Principal's office, and kept walking until they reached a door. It was marked as 1B. 

"What's this?" Dani asked, tilting their head to the side in puzzlement.  

"The locked door of 1B. It's got almost mythical status here. You haven't heard of it?"


"But everyone knows about this. It's a cause for speculation in every classroom, even amongst the staff." Alfie gesticulated with his hands trying to explain the enormity of it.

Dani merely shrugged. 

"Well, now that you know, are you curious?" 

"Not really. I just want to go home." 

He was not dissuaded by this less than enthusiastic response and plowed on until Dani gave in, letting loose a dramatic sigh. 

"If this means so much to you then alright." 

Like a child receiving birthday presents, his face burst into mirth. He cautiously tried the knob. It didn't budge.  

"Let's go!" Dani said the moment his endeavour had ceased. 

To their astonishment, it was not Alfie who protested. A voice answered from within, its tone delicate and pleading. "Do not go."

"Did you hear that too?" Alfie asked, leaning on the door to listen. He could hear the faint sounds of ragged breathing from within. 

Dani ambled closer to the door and addressed the voice, "Who are you?"

For a long moment, nothing but the winds played with their query, but at length the voice said, "It has been long and my identity I have forgone." The voice had a musical quality to it, a cadence that rang melodiously. 

Dani was dubious, their face a mask of skepticism but one look at Alfie's face was enough to know that his resolve was hardened, and nothing would draw him away. 




The lock was easier to break than Alfie had believed, and as he worked on the door, Dani watched him in some apprehension. 

Once broken, Dani poised themself behind Alfie, their hand on the bat they had nicked from the game room. Alfie had thought it unnecessary but Dani, ever the practical person, had appointed themself as his protector. 

Alfie pushed the door and it opened up to darkness. He turned on the flashlight on his phone and proceeded inside. The room, however, was hopelessly empty. He scoured the room, touching the walls with his hands, until they fell upon a misaligned surface. It was rough and distinctly unearthly to the touch. 

As if his touch had awakened it, a bluish-white light erupted from the surface of the door. The two jumped back, terrified. As they watched, the light dimmed until it was but a halo surrounding the door, and an inscription appeared upon it: 

A creature of the night

It takes hold of your mind

Beware children

For behind the door awaits

A terrible plight

Dani, who was already unsure of this expedition, now felt the uncomfortable sensation of foreboding bubbling up their gut. They pulled at his sleeve, endeavouring to drag him back, but Alfie was adamant. 

"We have to free them, whoever it is. Come on, Dani. What if they are innocent? You know the rumours about Principal Harold, don't you?" He asked, his voice rising passionately. 

The stories had reached everyone's ears, even Dani, who avoided all sorts of conflicts and gossips, and the cruelty advertised in them, certainly raised their sympathies, but plunging into uncertainty headfirst did not seem the way to go. 

They told him so, but Alfie was suddenly beyond any reason. He reached for the door and asked what he ought to do to open it. 

The melancholy voice replied, "Just say the words 'I desire to free the creature that has been falsely imprisoned'." 

Dani was on the point of stopping Alfie but their mind seemed lethargic, their voice unlike their own, and before they could regain their bearings the chant was complete and the door burst open, letting out a wave of terribly cold air. 

Beyond the door, a creature lurked, emitting a similar glow as the door. With a rapid gait, it exited its prison, its chasm-like eyes fixed on them. 

"Oh my foolish children, what have you done? Prepared for your own imminent destruction?" 

The clock struck again, ringing through the school, and when it ceased so did the friends' breathing.

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