WINNER #1 - Immortals' Conquest

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Hello, fellow disciples! We would like to present the first chapter of the story that won Favorite Main Character in our Lunar New Year contest, the Immortals' Conquest 2023.

If you enjoyed reading this first chapter, you can continue Curse of the Zodiac Serpent by FLPolgar here. This story was inspired Prompt #6: The Scout.

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Curse of the Zodiac Serpent
By- FLPolgar

Chapter 1: The Arrival

Ayako, a slightly lean woman in her mid-20s stood atop a grassy cliffside, the shear drop at its edge plummeted down the calm seas below. Her raven black hair was tied and bound in a high ponytail, only her brown eyes visual as the kabuki mask she wore covered her facial features, hiding her identity.

Crouching low to the ground her gaze was on the horizon as the wind tugged at her imperial uniform. The tree-leafed symbol of the Tokugawa clan was proudly displayed on her back, the current rulers of Edo Japan, her much-loved home. Ayako was trained as a kunoichi, otherwise known as a scout or spy for the imperial family. She took her position extremely seriously and dedicated her life to the royal family.

The sun's rays were descending to touch the sea's edge where she could only just make out an approaching ship. Though the vessel was still a fair way from the shore it looked to be heading toward the port. She frowned, the ship appeared to be of Singaporean make, with the typical red sails and a pointed forepeak that was common for the vessels. But what was it doing here? It didn't appear to look like a cargo ship, so they weren't here for trading. It didn't sit right with her, something felt off.

As the ship inched closer she could make out one final important detail. A small black flag wallowing vigorously in the wind. 

They were flying a Jolly Roger. 

Remaining calm she retreated from the edge of the cliff and headed back into town at a swift pace. She needed to report this immediately so the shogun could take action. Not even the castle guards noticed her presence as she vaulted over the stone walls and darted inside. Not that it would matter, all she needed to do was flash her seal to the guards and they would leave her be. But it was better to go unseen, the Emperor preferred it that way.

The palace itself lay at the rear of the complex, this building housed the imperials and their families. Surrounding the palace were various serene gardens and museums which were open to the public. Further down was housing for the staff and advisors and the shogun. High walls surrounded and separated different areas providing protection and privacy.

She landed gently on the steps leading up to the palace entrance, making no noise at all. At this time of day, the Emperor was normally finishing up his meetings with the imperials having seen to the requests of the people. He would still be on the ground floor, in this case, the easiest way inside was through the front.

The shogun was already gathered inside, good. This would be less hassle with the most important individuals present. Approaching the group she remained silent until she was addressed.

The Emperor, dressed in robes with a kammuri adorned on his head, wasn't hard to miss. Before him stood a refined man in silk garments with lacquered metal plates decorating his arms, chest and legs. His mask was tucked under his arm as they appeared deep in discussion. The men finally noticed her and she bowed in greeting. 

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