WINNER - Adventures To Do

14 2 0

Sam and Cindy's Bucket List

By: 2607_sweety

≈ Zero marked test papers from the reckless Sophomore year I had hidden expertly

≈ Those ugly pink coloured pencils from my Middle School obsession

≈ My favorite Sheldon Cooper sweater with that huge coffee stain when high school heartthrob Dean Thomas bumped into me. 

These were just few of the things I found when I was cleaning up my shelf on the last day of junior year, bringing back tonnes of memories from my high school and middle school years. From tomorrow, vacations will be starting and I'll be leaving the dorm and moving in with my best friend to live in the apartment that my parents gifted me for scoring the highest marks in this year's exams. 

Rummaging around, I shifted my books aside and made some space for my sweater. Finally, focusing back at the almost empty shelf, I sighed looking at my magazine collection- I had a very unhealthy obsession with One Direction in my freshman year and had the habit of buying every magazine which printed even a paragraph about them or a picture of them. 

Taking a reluctant step forward, I picked up the thick bundle, ready to stash them in the box labelled 'For Recycle' when a piece of paper fell out of the last one. I placed them in the box and went back to pick the paper up, it was blank from that side so I turned it over and read the ink on the other side:



-Climbing a mountain

-Go sailing

-Crashing a party

-Kissing your old crush

P.s. Stay best friends forever


I chuckled, reminiscing the day we wrote this. We were nine and had just watched secretly The Bucket List on one of our weekly sleepovers. Unlike me, Sam's unhealthy obsession didn't wear off with time- the obsession of being a crazy cinephile. We would steal a dvd from the living room to see a different movie every week and then-


I looked up from the paper, unable to keep my smile off my face. 

"Yeah, just finished actually. Look what I found."

He walked up the distance between us and peeked over my shoulder to see it. 

"Oh this..." He chuckled. 

"Yeah! Remember how we swore to complete every thing on the list one day?!" I handed him over the paper to let him read it while I collected the rest of my stuff one last time. 

"Hmm... "

When I stood up, he was staring hard at the paper. "Sam?"

He looked up at me and smirked, "You know what will be crazy?"

I sniggered, "What?"

"If we do all this!"

I stared at him, my jaw wide open, "Wha...?"

Laughing nervously, I waved him off, "You're joking."

He took two strides towards me and put an arm around my neck, caging me in, "No, I am not Cindy! Imagine. You and me, just like old times!"

"But... "


Climbing a Mountain

Sighing, I looked up at the mountain before me.

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