second chances

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AN: alright, author's note is up here because there's some important info i want to get your input on before you start reading! hi everyone! i'm so so sorry it's taken me so long to update, i've just been so busy and there's been no time :(

also i want to warn you- the ending has two ways it can go, and i've decided to be a little mean and let you decide, but you don't know which you're choosing

the way i will be determining is by the number of comments and votes (i know this seems like a bribery kind of thing, i just thought it would be easier in terms of not spoiling anything but also letting you help choose hehe)

ending 1: more votes than comments

ending 2: more comments than votes

either one will be fun to write, but they're just so different and i couldn't choose so i'm having you choose for me :)

two chapters left to write babes, then we're done!!

The first thought in Luke's mind after Amber collapsed in his arms was "How do I deal with crying girls?" Luckily, the second one was much more conducive to the situation at hand

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The first thought in Luke's mind after Amber collapsed in his arms was "How do I deal with crying girls?" Luckily, the second one was much more conducive to the situation at hand."How can I convince her that this isn't her fault?" he thought, solemnly.

"I-I'm so sorry," she cried, yet again. "Luke, you deserve so much better than me, so much more than what I can give you."

Everything began to click for the ghost boy, who took slightly longer at catching onto certain things- but not as long as Reggie. That, he was proud of. Luke pulled away for a second, wiping her tears as everything hit him at once. "Is this why you've been so distant?" he whispered. "Amber, you have to know that none of us blame you for what's happening to us with the stamp."

"But you should," she breathed, unable to meet his eyes. "You should absolutely blame me. If I had found a solution sooner, if I hadn't fallen under Caleb's spell, if I hadn't shown up at the club when I did-"

Luke cut her off by taking her face in his hands and lightly pulling it to face his own. "What did my mom always tell you whenever you had a breakdown when you were over here for Sunday night dinner?"

"Not to dwell on the past and the 'ifs' of life, but to move forward and accept the things I can't change."

"Exactly, he replied, kissing her forehead softly before poofing them off of the porch and onto the Santa Monica beach. "I thought this might be a better place to talk," he reasoned, worried for a moment at how surprised she was.

"It's much better." And it was, at least for Amber. The waves always calmed her, but for Luke, they only brought back memories of the first night he told her the truth about how he felt for her.

"Luke?" the girl asked, shaking him from his thoughts.


She knew she had no right to ask what she was about to ask, but if they were going to talk, they were going to put everything out on the table. "Did you ever hate me?"

The boy looked over at her in shock, wondering how she could ever think such a thing. "I don't think I could ever hate you," he admitted, although deep down what he wanted to say was that he didn't think he'd ever stop adoring her and the way that her very name could bring butterflies to his empty chest. Or the way her eyelashes fluttered when she was content, almost as if she was taking mental polaroids of the situation in her mind. Or the way she ran to the water as soon as they stepped foot on the beach, as if it called her. Or the way that he was hopelessly, incandescently in love with her, even after everything. And maybe that was why he blurted out the words she was so afraid to hear. "Do you think there's a chance you could ever love me again?"

There was a silence as both of the dead hearts began to beat faster. She thought back to the first few years without the boys in the band. Back to the nights she laid awake and cried, wondering why it had to be her that night, why Alex made her leave, why Luke had to spur her twin on. She thought back to her first time meeting Willie and the countless parties they attended with Caleb where she was hit on by numerous guys, only to leave early because she knew deep down that none of them would ever be her Luke. She never wanted to move on, and in a way, she never did. Maybe because something in her knew they would see each other again, maybe because he was her first love and that would never completely leave her. She thought back to when they danced on the pier, in their own little world created by their own minds. Back to when she almost kissed him and chose to run away in guilt instead. She thought back to all the times she ran away from him, from her feelings, and it finally dawned on her that nothing good ever came from that denial. And maybe that was why she answered so softly that the boy next to her could barely hear her whisper in the wind. "I never stopped."

His heart swelled at her words, a smile overtaking his face as he forgot everything else that was going on, and the whole world around him melted away until it was just her. Just his Goldie, the one he was always so afraid to lose. He didn't even realize he had pulled her into his arms until their foreheads touched, both pulling their bodies together as the waves lapped at their feet. Both of the ghosts started to realize just how close their lips were to each other's and without warning, they both started to lean in.

"Dude, guess what! We got the gig at the Orpheum!" Reggie nearly screamed, appearing behind them with Alex at his side. They were giddy with excitement but froze when they saw the compromising position that the two lovers were in. "D-did we interrupt something?"

"No!" Amber shouted, cheeks as red as tomatoes, at the same time that Luke groaned "yes." They immediately looked at each other, laughing slightly as Luke took his girl's hand in his, kissing the inside of her wrist softly before dragging her towards the two excited boys.

"Enough of the PDA, we need to get back to the studio to rehearse with Julie!" Alex exclaimed, rolling his eyes and wrapping his arm protectively around his sister. Within seconds, they had all teleported back to the Molina house and picked up their instruments as Amber took the couch. Julie walked in and raised her eyebrows at the only other girl in the room, who blushed and couldn't meet her eyes. Luke, however, seeing the interaction, had a proud smile on his face when Julie faced him with a knowing glance.

They began to rehearse, the melodies seemingly bringing everything to life. Amber closed her eyes for a moment, taking it all in until it was time for Julie to leave for the Orpheum. The rest of the band began to hype each other up until the Mercer girl felt a familiar presence in the room, one she knew all too well.

"Why hello, boys," Caleb drawled from his seat on the piano. "Given any more thought to my offer?"

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