return of a princess

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To say that Willie was excited to bring Alex and his friends to the Hollywood Ghost Club would be an

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To say that Willie was excited to bring Alex and his friends to the Hollywood Ghost Club would be an... over-exaggeration. He was more apprehensive than anything, wondering if bringing them there was the right choice. He was worried about what Caleb would do, but his want for Alex to be happy overwhelmed every other fear he harbored.

"How is he able to do all of this?" Luke asked their new friend.

"He's powerful. Caleb can make himself be seen by lifers at will, and he can make other ghosts visible too. There's only one other person who can do it on her own, but she can't make anyone else visible like Caleb can, though," Willie explained.

"Who is she and how can she do it?" Reggie asked.

"Her name is-" Willie started, only to be interrupted by Caleb's announcement that the princess had returned. Forgetting about Alex and his friends, Willie made his way to the end of the staircase to hug his friend who he hadn't seen in over two weeks.

"How was London?" he asked, knowing that she had gotten a lead on contract magic.

"Instructional," she replied with a wink. Willie could feel the all-too-familiar hope spring up in his chest that she would be able to free him but quickly buried it under an expectation for the worst. After all, hope only led to disappointment.

As Willie tried to lead Amber towards the boys, she was swept up by Caleb to dance with the man who was practically her father before interacting with anyone else. The young skater sighed and walked back to the others.

"That's her. She's powerful enough to be seen because Caleb taught her how, and she's the only one who's ever been able to except for Caleb. The two of them are really close, practically father and daughter at this point..." Willie started but trailed off as he saw Amber leave Luke's arms, walking his way. "Amber, this is Alex and his friend Reggie. And I see you've already met Luke..."

To say that Willie was surprised to see Amber's arms wrap around Alex's neck so tightly as the two hugged would be an understatement. Reggie had tears in his eyes and Luke... Luke looked like he was in physical pain at seeing the girl. Amber moved to hug Reggie, but as soon as Luke's hand touched her arm, she twisted around and vanished without another word.

"Do you guys know her or something?" Willie asked, confused beyond belief.

"I need to go find her," Alex said, starting towards the exit. The other two started to follow, but Luke stopped the two of them when he saw the time.

"Guys, look at the time! We've completely missed the dance. Julie's going to kill us!"

"Alex, I know you want to find her, but Amber can wait. We need to get to Julie first," Reggie agreed, leaving Alex torn. Finally, he nodded.

But before they could go, Caleb stopped them and stamped them. Willie's heart sank into his chest as he realized what he had done, and even more importantly what he had done to Amber. He had no idea how they knew each other, but something was clear. Alex meant something to his friend, and he had just sentenced the boy to a life of pain.

Meanwhile, Amber found herself on the rocks of Santa Monica once again. Tears streamed down the ghost's face as she recalled the night she had lost everything.

"Leave," Alex whispered to her, the hurt in his eyes obvious.

"Alex, please-" Amber started, only to be cut off by her twin.


The girl left the practice room that Luke had booked for the night, and a few moments later Luke came after her, running into the rain.

"Goldie, wait!"

She was not only humiliated by the boy in front of the band but shut out by her own twin because of Luke's pride. The last thing she was going to do was respond to the nickname.

"Amber," he called, making her turn around and glare at him through her tears.

"What, Luke? Was outing us in front of the entire band because of a stupid argument not enough? I told you I wasn't ready to tell people, and you went and told everyone I care about."

"You know I didn't mean it, it just came out!"

"Yeah, well you said it. Congratulations, Luke, you've officially messed everything up."

"It's not my fault, Alex was on me for the stupidest things tonight!"

"Oh, so now you're blaming this on my twin? He only asked you if the rhythm should've been changed in the song you were working on. You're the one who overreacted."

"Yeah, some supportive girlfriend you are-"

"I support you, Luke, you know I do! But I'm not about to stop calling you out on your bullshit."

Luke's face hardened. "You know what, you weren't worth all that trouble in the first place."

Amber took a step backward, tears streaming down her face. "Luke... you don't mean that. I know things are hard at home right now and you're frustrated, but that doesn't mean you can take it out on me and Alex."

"No, I mean it. I never should've let you into my life in the first place," Luke growled, turning around.

"You want to know what the worst part is?" Amber called, making him turn around. "Even after everything you just said, Luke, I still love you. So much. And I know you're going to regret this tomorrow, so I'm just going to go and we can talk in the morning."

Luke was brought back to reality as he realized the full extent of what he had said. "Amber, wait, please-"

But it was too late. She was already in her car and driving out of the parking lot.

Little did they know that they wouldn't see the other again for another twenty-five years.

"I thought I'd find you here," a voice came from behind Amber. "Some things never change, right?"

The crying girl turned around and pulled her twin into a hug. She had missed him so much.

"Alex..." she breathed, still not truly believing that he was there.

"We have a lot to catch up on."

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