Chapter 4

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"Because you are not a monster"

John POV

She doesn't think I'm a monster? I looked up at her, she smiled at me and I couldn't hold it in any longer

I cried, I just cried, like I had done earlier Remi wrapped her arms around me and pulled my head into her chest

"It's okay John" she said stroking my head.

After around ten minutes, I stopped crying and released myself from Remi's arms

"Thanks Remi, I needed that" I said smiling weakly.

"Of course" she said smiling broadly

"Okay what do you want to do now?" she asked me

"What?" I asked

"I'm gonna hangout with you for the rest of the day" she said to me

"Wait why" I asked

"Because I want to" she said smiling

" Okay then" I said "do you have angry pigs on your phone?"

"Uhh yeah" she said "Seraphina showed it to me"

"Same" I said

"Wanna play" she asked

Remi POV

3 hours later

"Ughh Damnit" John exclaimed "I can't beat this fucking level"

I laughed at him, "well then maybe you should use something other than wood"

"No I refuse" John said

"Well then don't complain" I said

My stomach rumbled, it was only then I realized it was 6:00 PM. John must have noticed too.

"You hungry?" He asked

"Y-Yeah" I said

"Okay, I'll make something for us" he said

I followed him into the kitchen

"Well I need to go grocery shopping" John said

"Well what do you have" I asked

"I have bread and cheese, want a grilled cheese?" John asked

"Sure, sounds good" I said

John made some dinner and it was Fucking delicious. After we ate we watched a movie as I still had 3 1/2 hours before curfew.

As we were watching the movie I started to get drowsy and snuggled up against Johns chest , then fell asleep.

John's POV

Remi had fallen asleep while resting her head on my chest and I decided to let her sleep through the movie. Once it was over I gently shook her shoulder waking her up

"Hm" she said tired

"You gotta be back at the school in 45 minutes" I said to her

With this she kept to her feet and grabbed my arm and pulled me up

"Okay let's go then" she said

I was going to object but after spending the afternoon with her I've learned to not argue.

We walked in silence to the school, not awkward silence but nice silence. Once we got to the school. Remi turned to face me.

"Thanks for dinner" she said

"No thank you, for saying all those things about how I'm not a monster... I needed to hear it" I said

"Anytime" she said

We stood and looked at each other for a while before Remi broke the silence

"J-John" she said

"Yeah" I asked

"Thank you for hugging me when I was crying about Rei" she said looking into my eyes

"Thank you hugging me after I broke down" I said

Remi looked down and smiled

She suddenly grabbed the collar of my shirt and Kissed me on the lips. The kiss only lasted about 4-5 seconds but we were both blushing profusely when it was over.

"S-Sorry" she said frantically "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable"

As Remi was rambling on about how sorry she was I grabbed her shirt collar and Kissed her back.

Remi POV

H-He kissed me back?!?!

I deepened his kiss and pulled away after 10 seconds.


"See you tomorrow John" I said walking twords the gates of the school

"See you" he said

The next day

Isen POV

I walked into the press room. I saw Cecile talking to Terrence about his new article

"This is gold Terrence" Cecile said

"Thanks" Terrence said

I walked up to them

"Hey guys whatcha doing" I said

" Looking over Terrence's new article" Cecile said

"Can I see it?" I asked

"Sure" Terrence said handing me the paper he was holding.

The paper read
"School Queen and Cripple in secret relationship?!?!?

My eyes widened, Remi and John, I looked at the picture underneath the title although it was dark you could clearly make out Remi and John kissing

"Huh" I said handing the paper back to Terrence.

"So what did you think" Cecile asked

"I think I need to go talk to Remi" I said

Seraphina POV

As I walked down the hallway I heard a familiar voice "Hey Sera" I turned to look at John who was waving at me while speed walking down the hall

"Hey John" I said what's up

"Can we go talk on the roof I need to tell you something" he asked kind of nervously

"Yeah sure" I said

What could John want to talk about? Did he finally ace a test. Was it a confection of love. I hope not I didn't see John that way.

We made our way up to the roof passing Abel on our way up

"So what did you want to talk about" I asked

"Last night..." John said then stopped

"Yeah" I said

"I kissed Remi" he said




869 words (nice)

Uhh yeah I know it's cringe but bear with me

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