Chapter 7

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Isen POV

We walked out into the hallway Terrence in toe

"What did you want to talk about" Terrence asked

I activated my ability so I could tell if he was lying

"How did you get that picture of Me and Remi" John asked

"I don't know what you're talking about" Terrence

"The picture, on the article, the article that you wrote, about my two best friends" Seraphina said

"Oh yeah uhhhh" Terrence said

" I was just out and coming back and saw you two acting all lovey doevey so I decided to get a picture and got one of you two kissing" Terrence said

"Why did you write the article" Remi said

"I wanted the front page, and because I know how much Cecile hates you, I exploited it" Terrence said

John looked over at me and I nodded. He was telling the truth

Seraphina then spoke up

"Three weeks ago did you follow me and John back his apartment from the mall, until you were noticed by John and we're kicked by me?" Seraphina

"N-No" Terrence said

I looked with my ability. He is lying

"He's lying" I said

Terrence panicked he tried to run but Sera grabbed his arm He turned invisible and wriggled his way out of Seraphina's grasp

But I already had a lock on him

"Follow me" I yelled running after him

We chased Terrence through the hallway he ran down a flight of stairs we followed him down the stairs but when we got down we turns a corner. I bumped into someone


"Oh sorry Blyke" I say getting up

Blyke didn't say anything

"Blyke, you okay?" Remi asked

Blyke didn't say anything. He just  raised his and up and shot an energy beam at John.

John jumped out of the way as the energy beam hit the wall

"What the hell Blyke" I shouted as I ran up to him and grabbed him

Still not saying anything he elbowed me
in the stomach. I stumbled back and fell to the ground 

"John get into that empty classroom" Remi yelled

"But I can help" John said

Remi looked at him with a look I couldn't read on her face

"Fine" John said

John ran twords the empty classroom and Blyke aimed a beam at him it got John across the arm but he kept running

"I knew it, he's going after John" Remi said

Blyke ran twords John but Seraphina grabbed him by the shoulders, she turned him around and punched him in the face. Blyke stumbled back before falling uncontious.

John came out of the classroom and walked twords us

"Well we solved that problem" I said

"Wait guys" Sera said

"What?" Remi asked

"Terrence" I responded for Sera

We all stood in silence, I tried to pick him back up with my ability but I couldn't get him, he had probably left school grounds.

"Well shit" I said

Remi POV

We let Terrence escape. What was Blyke thinking, I looked at Blyke who was uncontious slug over Seraphina's shoulder

When we got to the I infirmary Doc gave us a death glare before seeing Blyke.

"What happened" Doc said

"We were chasing a student who maybe committed a crime when we bumped into Blyke. He then attacked John and we had to knock him out" Isen said

"Why did he attack John" doc asked

"Dunno" I said

"Probably because he was Jealous" Isen said

I looked at Isen

"Jealous, why would he be jealous?" Doc asked

"Do you read the school paper" Isen asked

"I haven't read today's" doc said

Isen left for a minute then came back handing doc a copy of the days paper. Doc read it

"Oh I get it now" Doc said

"I don't" I said

Everyone just stared at me

"What" I asked

"Remi why would Blyke be jealous of John" Isen asked

"I don't know, he seemed fine with him this morning, I mean untill he read-" I stopped

"Oh okay" I said

After John got his arm healed up we all headed to the roof

"What a day" I said

"I know" Isen replied

"Well school is over at this point" John said

" Do you guys want to go out somewhere" I asked

"Sure" they all said

While we were walking down the stairs to the roof I walked up to John.

"Sorry but our date will have to be another day" I said

"It's fine" he replied

John POV

Me, Remi , Isen, and Sera all walked into Woba Boba. We sat down at a booth and just talked amongst ourselves.

After we ordered and got our drinks Isen spoke up

"You know it's been so hectic today I haven't been able to read the school paper" he said

He took out the copy he showed Do. Earlier and read the whole thing.

"Anything interesting" I asked taking a sip of my mango boba

"Yeah couple things" he said

"Like what' Remi asked

"Well in two weeks some students from New Bostin High School who are thinking of transferring are coming for a week to check it out.

I almost choked on my boba

"What?!?!?" I said

I looked at Remi, who was already looking at me

"What's the problem" Isen asked

"N-Nothing" I said

Isen and Seraphina raise an eyebrow

"Okay then" Isen says

We finish our drinks and go to our respective homes.

So some New Bostin kids are coming. No way Claire and Adrion weren't going to be there, they always strived for the best and if they had the opportunity to go to Wellston they would.




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