Chapter 20

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Monday (Day of Blyke's Return(well not really since he retuned that Saturday but I'm to lazy and also this is the first time any of do be characters except maybe Isen would see him so just go with it )

Remi POV

"John wake up" I said pulling on his hoodie

"I'm awake" he mumbled

"Good now lets get ready for school" I said pulling him up off the bed

"But I don't want to go to school today" John complained

"Well we or rather you can't skip your grades are already suffering enough" I told him

"But Blyke" John said walking back to the bed

"I know but I don't want to face him alone" I said

John stops

"Fiinnnnneeee" he groaned

John's face darkened

"Do you hate him?" He asked me

"Who Blyke?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"No, I want to talk to him though" I said

"Do you hate him" I asked John

"Nah" he said

"I think that he wasn't really thinking when he did what he did and I'll forgive him" John said

I smiled

"Okay lets get ready for school" I said

John smiled

"Yeah" he said

"Also" I said

"What?" John asked

"No Hair gel" I said with a smirk

"Fine, I'm out anyway" John sighed

"Good I'll make some breakfast go shower" I ordered him

"Yes ma'am" John said

After we ate we got dressed and headed to school where we met Isen at the gate. 

"Hey man" John said

"Hey guys" Isen said waving

"You ready" I asked him

Isen sighed

"No, but whatever" Isen said

"Alright, to English" I said

John POV

We walked into English class, no Blyke... Yet.

Me, Remi, and Isen took our seats

I sat down and looked over the homework I had to turn in today when the door clicked open

A boy with big bags under his eyes and messy red hair walked into the classroom

Blyke was looking at the ground with a dead expression on his face

"Ah Blyke, welcome back" the teacher said with a smile

Blyke didn't say anything and just went to sit at his desk

"Okay then" the teacher said before starting his lesson

Group chat with Me, Remi⚡ and Isen 🖊️

Isen 🖊️: Blyke doesn't look good

Remi⚡: yeah

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