Chapter 9

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Monday morning (1st day of New Bostin visit)

John POV

I woke up next to Remi she had stayed the night again because today the New Bostin kids were coming to Wellston

I looked at the clock I had on my desk 6:16. Shit we had to be at the school by 7:00

I gently shook Remi awake.

"John?" She said

"Morning babe I said to her

"5 more minutes" she said digging her head into my chest

" We have to be at the school in 44 minutes" I said

"She jumped up" why didn't you lead with that" she said grabbing her uniform and going to take a shower

While remi showered I made us some breakfast. Once remi got out of the shower I took a shower once I was done  it was 6:48

"Come on let's go" Remi said to me

"But I have to gel my hair" I complained

" Nope not doing it" she said

"Fine, I'll meet you outside, I have to grab a couple things" I said

"Okay" she said

Once she was outside I ran into the bathroom and grabbed my hair gel and a hand mirror and stuffed it in my bag.

"Okay ready" I said walking out

"Let's go" she said

I walked behind Remi gelling my hair as we were walking.

Once we got to the school Remi turned to look at me

"How????" She said pointing at my head

I pulled my hair gel, mirror, and hand towel out of a side compartment of my backpack.

Remi just sighed and jumped on my back

"What are you doing" I asked

"I want a piggy back ride" she said

I stared at her for a few seconds before finally saying "Fine"

She climbed on my back and I walked us into the school.

Isen POV

It was 7:08 where were John and Remi?

The door to the office abruptly opened revealing Remi who looked on top of the world even though she was only on John shoulders, and John who looked dead inside.

John POV

We walked into Vaughn's office

I saw Isen and Sera looking at us holding in laughter. Like usual Arlo still didn't understand how the Queen could date a cripple. And Cecile like usual looked like she didn't care.

"Sorry we're late" Remi said "We overslept"

"Both of you overslept" Cecile said not realizing they meant they were together

"Yep" I said

"Don't you get it Cecile" Isen said "They slept in the same bed

Cecile and Arlo's jaws hit the floor

"Okay guys" Vaughn said

"Why did you call us here so early" Sera said tiredly. One of the things I knew about Sera was she was NOT a morning person

"Because I need you to look over these papers for your schedule today and also Keene needs help setting up more chairs and tables in the cafeteria" Vaughn said handing us each a piece of paper

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