Chapter 1

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"You're fricken kidding me right" My so called loving parents woke me up with the news they're leaving this weekend to travel the world, and leaving ME behind.

Ever since my brothers Jace, 22 and Seb, 23 left the house for college it's just been the 3 of us in our generous sized house in Texas. The boys never came home once they graduated, choosing to move to South Carolina full time and work in their respective jobs to afford a small house together.

"What do you mean I'm moving to South Carolina in TWO DAYS!!" I yelled at my parents "You can't do that. My friends are all here, my cheerleading team are here, my life is here mom. Please don't do this"

God I was angry. I didn't want to go and live with my two stupid brothers for the next year, HELL NO! Not only would I have to up and move schools, but my brothers are totally outrageous. They think I'm too young to do anything, even more protective than our parents. At my age they were out drinking most nights, house parties every weekend, they'd sneak girls home too yet here I am at the ripe old age of 17 and they think I'm too young for any of that.

Well they are going to be in for a fight. Let's just say I'm a bit of a party animal here in Texas. I love going out and getting drunk off my face, staying out my friends houses so they don't find out. I've even slept in my car a couple of times... alone of course. No boys yet for poor old me. I just haven't found the right guy here, maybe that would be an advantage of moving away. Fresh meat.

I'm also on our cheerleading squad, and I love it. The only downside to being a cheerleader is so many people assume all cheerleaders to be slutty and easy. I may be a bit of a rebellious teenage girl, but I do have a bit more dignity than that.

I spend the next few hours beginning to pack my things. My parents were keeping the house for their return, so it was just the essentials for the next year that I needed. My clothes and my avid shoe collection being the first thing I packed.


" When did they tell you?" I demanded straight away once I picked up the phone call from my brother. "Jace I'm so fucking angry right now, I don't want to leave my home. Texas is my home" The tears started to fall, and I sat down on my bed to calm down.

"Firstly, Hey Maya, secondly, Don't swear"

I humphed in response

"Look Maya, you'll love it here. We've got your room already set up, with a view of the pool outside. The local high school have offered you a place which we've enrolled you on and we have even planned a celebration party just us boys for when you arrive!"

I love my brothers I really do, but spending a whole year with them. Under their rules and guidance would be interesting.

"....and look Maya, there's something I need to worn you about but you can't' tell mom or dad"

Interesting, I though "alright, what is it?"

"We have a roommate, just a friend from college. We haven't told mom and dad because we think they may stop you from coming, and we really think this get away will be good for them" Jace said "He's Sebs best mate, he's a good lad and I've really got to like him over the last few months he's lived with us. He works so won't be there all the time, but just wanted to let you know"

Oh this ought to be good. Well at least I know someone else other than my brothers in South Carolina. It'll be starting a completely new chapter of my life moving there, so the more people I knew the better.

I wonder if he's cute.

"We will see you Friday Maya, we will pick you up after your flight at the airport"

"Bye Jace, love you loser"

"Love you too princess Maya" he mocked back.

Hmphhhh. One last night out with my Texas girls I though, I'm getting totally drunk.

Next up; Flying to South Carolina to meet Maya's brother and the infamous roommate!

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