Chapter 11

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Walking down the stairs the night of the party, I felt exhilarated. Grace and Ella following behind me, all of us dressed with intention. A slight spring in my step, partially looking forward to the night ahead, but also because of the shots we did upstairs thanks to Grace's older sister. 

I had decided to wear a little white lace dress with a bralette. My hair, courtesy of Ella was up in a messy bun and my makeup kept simple but with bold eye makeup to highlight my blue eyes. 

The party was in full swing

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The party was in full swing. The back doors were open to reveal people swimming in the pool, the kitchen filled with various bottles of who knows what and Noah was no where to be found. 

"Jace, have you seen my friends?" I asked in reference to the boys who I had yet to see. 

"Oh, um, yeah" he said eyeing up Grace behind me "They were outside by the fire pit I think, I didn't recognise them so I assume that's them"

The girls and I started to head in the direction of the fire before Jace called after me

"One beer Maya, that is all. And don't let Seb see" Jace said winking at me and walking in the opposite direction

Feeling grateful that Jace was giving me a free pass for the night I walked through the kitchen to get us all some drinks. Though I was intending on more than one beer, I could lie and say I was drinking it slowly right? 

"Come on Maya" said Ella pulling me out of my daze "there they are" she said pointing at the boys 

No one else was round the fire yet, apart from my group of friends and a couple who were making out on the other side. Flynn gave me a worm welcome, not that I expected anything less, and the conversation with the other boys flowed like we had known each other from years. 

The boys had managed to sneak some alcohol from their parents too, Joe managing to being a whole bottle of vodka which he had emptied into a water bottle as I had mentioned my brothers didn't approve. We passed the bottle round for a while whilst talking about school starting and how beach parties were almost a weekly thing here in California. 

Standing up to go to the bathroom, I excused myself. Feeling slightly tipsy on my feet at this point I gripped the handles as I walked up the stairs. 

"Maya. Maya, wait!" I turned around and Flynn was following me 

Flynn walked towards me until my back touched the door to the bedroom 

"You look beautiful tonight Maya" he said gently rubbing the side of my right arm. He had had more to drink than me, although naturally confident, I knew he wouldn't intentionally make me feel this uncomfortable.

"Oh um thanks" I replied, having no interest in making out with him. Especially knowing how hard Ella wanted him. 

"I think we should go to your bedroom" he asked confidently, now caressing my cheek 

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