Chapter 32

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Recap: "Juliette" my dad spoke up "We have to trust our little Maya now. Besides Noah has the boys seal of approval so he must be okay right?"

It was like my parents had decided to discuss this between them for a minute before coming back to us with a reaction. The rest of us stayed quiet.

"Is he treating you good?" said my Mom reaching out to hold my hand between hers

"More than good, but I do miss you loads" I said leaning into her for another cuddle

"Then thats okay baby. We approve" she finished 

Later that afternoon I asked my mom to walk with me to the beach. I may as well make the most of her being around for a few days. We walked arm in arm at leisurely pace as I caught my mom up on what my new life was like in South Carolina. 

"And how is school going?" she asked whilst looking at passers by

"School is good. I have made a good group of friends too. The girls are on the cheer team too and have really made me feel welcome" I replied smiling 

"I can't believe it's your last year. Where has my baby girl gone" my mom asked rhetorically leaning her head on top of mine 

"Ughh Mom" I said cringing at being called her baby girl 

"The whole world is waiting for you Maya. You are going to do great things"

I internally sigh at my mother bringing this up again. Sure I was in my last year of school but i had no idea what I would do after. Before Noah I thought that maybe I would join my parents exploring the world for a bit before I had to settle down, but Noah complicates things now. I am not about to throw my life away for some boy, but the thing was Noah wasn't just 'some boy' to me. I really do love him. I guess I needed to start thinking about what to do next. College? Travel? Work? I didn't have long to decide. 

"Maya. Earth to Maya" said my mom bringing me out of my thoughts "That boy has got you distracted hasn't he" she smirked 

"I love him ma, he is the best thing that's happened since moving here"

"Well me and your father will support you, as long as he makes you happy, we will be happy for you too" she said kissing my head 

I didn't reply. Instead just enjoyed her presence and being back with her, knowing that she is happy for me meant the world. That really could've gone either way back there!

"Are you being safe?" she said once we had walked the last block to the beach in silence

I almost choked on air 

"MOOOOOOMMMM" I said, hoping to avoid this conversation but grateful Noah and my brothers weren't here.

"You're still my baby girl Maya Grace Adams. You can tell me anything, you know that"

"I know mom, we are being good I promise" I went on my toes to kiss my moms cheek "Come on, the beach is this way" I said and dragged her towards the sand 

"It is beautiful here" she said "I can see why you and the boys like it here"


Once home I saw the boys and my dad sat around the pool. Seb was at the bbq cooking something that smelt divine. 

"Hey girls" shouted my dad waving us over 

Already dressed in beach clothes from my walk I went and sat next to my dad on his lounger.

"It's nice here isn't it Jules" he said speaking to my mom 

"The beach was gorgeous. We should go down there tomorrow" she replied taking a seat on the lounger next to us 

"Seb is cooking some ribs and sausages on the bbq is that okay?" Jace asked us walking over to us

"Sounds good" I said and looked over to see Noah with his feet in the pool leaning back on his hands. He winked at me knowingly. He would have to be on his best behaviour over the next few days! 

I got up to get my mom and I a drink from the kitchen. She asked for some wine, I wondered if I could get away with having a glass too? Better not push my luck! I grabbed a coke, deciding that was best. 

Looking in the fridge I felt hands wrap around my waist from behind. Guessing it could only be Noah. I leant back into him as he lowered his head to kiss my neck. 

"Your parents are nice" He said in between kisses 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know they were coming" I said turning round to face him 

"No one knew! Your dad has been surprisingly chilled this afternoon. I think he may like me" he said 

"Well make sure you stay on your best behaviour, otherwise that may change. It's only for a few days, I am sorry" I looked up at him slightly worried that one of us would mess something up. 

Noah pulled me into a hug. It felt like home. Noah's arms felt like home and I loved being there. 

A cough behind us pulled us apart

"Sorry to interupt guys" said my mom from where she stood "Maya, we wanted to ask if you would be happy staying in Noah's room whilst we are here for a few days?" UM WHAT "It's just your father says all the hotels are full, and we would have to drive quite a way every day to see you all" she continued 

Noah pulled me into his side

"Sure, Mrs Adams" said Noah  "That's fine with me" He smiled his mischievous grin and looked down at me 

"Of course ma, especially if it means we can see you more before you leave again" I said giving my mom a hug and then passing her her drink 

"Thankyou. Oh Noah, Would you be able to bring some plates out for Seb. He said the food is ready" My mom said looking at Noah 

"Of course Mrs. Adams" he said before letting go of me and turning to the cupboards. I walked out the kitchen with my mom going back outside. 

"That boy has such good manners" my mom smiled and walked ahead of me

If only she knew what Noah was like when I first met him. I guess we had both changed each other for the better. The next few days could prove rather hard though. Even I was worried for my own sanity. I hadn't been around my parents for so long, sure my brothers were strict and over protective but they weren't my parents. 

Wish us luck! 

What will happen with Maya's parents in town? Will they all be able to be on their best behaviour? Will Noah mess up?

Update soon!

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