Chapter 40

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"What happened Maya?" asked Seb

"He broke up with me Sebby. He broke my heart just like you warned me he would" I replied between sobs

"You need to follow your dreams Maya. And if he can't support that, then you aren't good enough for him" He continued to hold me until it got dark, neither of us saying anything else. I didn't know what else to say. I was numb.

We walked towards the road, Jace pulled up in his car, that must've been who Seb was texting. Though the walk back to the house wasn't far I was grateful for the ride.

"You've got us Maya. Go and live your dreams"


A month had passed. Graduation has passed. It felt like a lifetime had passed. And still no word from Noah. 

I knew he was okay, Seb and Jace said he was still with his uncle in New York. But that didn't matter to me. I needed him here with me. 

I had spent the last month cooped up in my room. Not even Ella and Grace's efforts to go shopping could get me out. I simply went to school, and returned to the small and lonely pit of my bedroom. I was depressed. I was lonely. And most of all I was scared. 

I thought I wanted to go travelling. Thought travelling around the world would be the best thing for me and I was excited to do it all with Noah by my side. But that wasn't even a conversation we got to have before he dumped me and then up and left. 

My brothers were growing increasingly worried and my parents constant phone calls suggested they were too. It is hard when you can see a long and happy future with someone. Someone you really do truly and honestly love... and then it gets thrown away in a matter of seconds. 

"Maya are you home?" called Jace from downstairs

"Yeah" I gruntingly muttered back 

"I've got takeout" he called back

The only other part of the day I would leave my room for. Food. 

I went downstairs and grabbed my share off the table, placing it onto a plate for me to take upstairs. 

"Sit downstairs would you May" said Seb "We never get to see your face anymore"

"I am alright thanks" I replied going to grab a drink from the fridge

"Maya Grace Adams. You are leaving in 3 days. You sit down at this table before I force you" intervened Jace now getting angry

I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table with my brothers

It was true. I was leaving in 3 days. My travel plans were booked, and I would be flying first to Europe to explore a few countries over there. Italy was first. Honestly I couldn't think of starting off somewhere worst. Italy was known as the country for love. And quite frankly that was the last thing I wanted to see and be a part of right now. But I had to go. My Brothers wouldn't let me stay. They knew this could be a good thing for me to do, and I secretly knew it too. 

"So are you excited?" asked Seb some time later

"Yeah I guess" I replied swirling my food around my plate. 

"What are you looking forward to the most?" said Jace 

"Getting away from you two" I quickly answer back with a sarcastic tone 

"There she is. Maya's back" said Seb leaning over to mess up my hair whilst he laughed along with Jace

"I think I am looking forward to visiting England or New Zealand the most" I said now answering honestly 

"And you're going to meet up with Mom and Dad in Phuket aren't you?" Jace asked

"Yep in about 4 months time depending on how long I end up staying in Europe for" I replied. Truth was I had missed my brothers, but staying up in my room was the only thing I could face. They still checked in on me but I couldn't handle any more questions or people asking if I was okay. 

Travelling was going to be good for me. I was going to make it good. 

Thankyou for reading! Update soon.

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