Camping Out

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Once we got there I set up the tent and we put our things in there.The "army" was there before us so we had to be careful.The tent we got was small so we all couldn't sleep on different sides.I was getting Henri ready for bed when I saw Sarah put her hair down and put it back up.I've never seen her with her hair down,my cheeks blushed a bit,so I hurried with Henri so he wouldn't see my red cheeks.I didn't know why I felt that way...I had questioned myself.Do I really like Sarah?I didn't want to think of that question so I just went to bed.We have all slept next to each other,but this time it was different.J didn't want to be next to Sarah so I just let Henri be in the middle.
Sarah's POV
I was confused why James was acting weird that night.It was like he was trying to avoid me.I thought to myself, "Did I do something wrong?". I decided to have a chat with James while Henri was sleeping.
I shook him gently, "James,wake up,"
James POV
I woke up to Sarah calling me. "Already? Ugh just a few more minutes." I said. "James come outside we need to talk." Sarah said.I was worried what she was going to say.I just went out with her either way. "So what is it Sarah?"I said while my heart was beating fast. "James,is everything alright?You aren't acting yourself and I'm worried about you." I sighed, "Nothing is wrong,can we just get back to bed?" She grabbed my arm, "James,why are you trying to avoid me?" I felt bad,I didn't mean to avoid her and make her upset. "Did I do something wrong James?" I didn't know what to say so I just gave her a hug and whispered in her ear, "Nothing,I'm sorry I made you feel that way." I blushed a bit,once we got back in the tent Henri had moved in his sleep and move to Sarah's side.Now it felt even more awkward.I went to lay down and tried to go to sleep.
Sarah's POV
It was the most awkward situation I've ever been in!I have never seen this side of James,I don't know why he seemed "sad". I guessed he was already asleep so I turned to his side because Henri had turned to my side and was breathing in my face.As I turned to Jame's side and faced his back I thought for a while,why did I feel like this?I didn't like him but only as a friend.Was I lying?Or did I actually like James?Eventually I fell asleep.
James POV
I was laying down and I felt someone turn to me and put there head on my back,obviously it was Sarah and she has fell asleep on me multiple times but this just felt different,I felt comfortable and felt better.
It was the next day,I felt better and decided to change and get ready to see the people at the hill.When I walked over there all the men didn't look like an army,they had clothes just like any other person.This time they had journals and were writing.I walked up to them and chatted with a few,they said they were in "disguise" and came to explore around here.I decided to wake up Henri and Sarah since they were just exploring.

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