Christmas Miracle

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Sarah's POV
I woke up and James and Moses were already up,I decided to make a special breakfast for them since it was Christmas.I woke up Henri to come and eat.While we were all eating Moses goes, "So where were you and Sarah,James?" James had jumped and sort of choked on his food.His cheeks were turning a bit red.Henri and I chuckled. "Oh nothing Moses we where just talking about the writers we saw at the hill😅"James said.When I finished cleaning I went to my room to grab the gifts.Henri was so excited to see the gifts he was going to get. "Sarah!Sarah!What did I get?" "Henri we have to wait for Moses and James!" "Okay sorry Sarah😅".
James POV
I could hear Sarah and Henri talk,so I got my gifts and sat down next to Sarah,Henri was sitting down in the floor and jumping around,he was TOO excited.I could see Sarah blush a bit when I sat next to her,Moses came in with some gifts. Henri was first to get the gifts since he was the youngest. "Thank you James,Sarah,and Moses!!"I saw Sarah smile.Then we all have our gifts to each-other. "Aww,thank you James,it is beautiful!" Sarah said. "No problem Sarah,thank you for the pen and new vest!"I said. After opening our gifts we all did our own things,I decided to go outside to catch a little break,then I saw Sarah come through the door. "Hello James,what are you doing out here?"she said. "Oh just enjoying the snow and taking a small break."I said. "Oh that's nice,so James,did that kiss mean anything to you last night?"she said. "W-what?,"my face turning red, "Well yes it did Sarah, you feel the same?Do you even like me?"I said staring into her eyes. "Of course I do James,not just as a friend,you're something more than that."she said. "Like what?"I asked, "James you are the person I love," she stared in my eyes,I walked closer to her and kissed her.When we stopped kissing she asked me, "What are we now?" I told her, "Well we can be...together."I smiled and held her hand.We walked inside and sat on the couch,she put her head on my shoulder,and I put my head on hers.
The End. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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