Chapter Twenty

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It was nearly dark when the carriage arrived at Ashton House. Josephine had forgotten just how large the ducal mansion was. Reading her mind, Hero said, "This sprawling great pile is said to be the largest private home in London, which is why Felix can give me a set of rooms and never even notice."

"I shall be glad to stay in one place for several days at a stretch," Josephine said fervently as her husband helped her from the carriage. Well-trained footmen arrived to carry their bags inside.

Jack climbed from the vehicle to say his good-byes. "Lady Josephine, it's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He kissed her hand with a flourish. "Though I'm sadly disappointed that the trip was so uneventful."

Her brows arched. "You think a mere single assassination attempt is uneventful, Mr Anderson?"

"Downright boring," he agreed. "Trouble is my middle name, you know."

Hero laughed and shook Jack's hand. "Thank you for the escort service, Jack. And for everything else."

"It was my pleasure," the other man said, his voice serious for once. "I owed you a favour or two."

Hero said, "In that case, since someone is bound to want to throw a ball in our honour to reintroduce Lady Josephine to society, will you attend if you receive an invitation?"

"I don't owe you that large a favour!" Grinning wickedly, Jack swung back into the carriage and signalled for it to set off again.

Josephine took Hero's arm as they climbed the steps to the front door. "Does Jack's birth prevent him from moving in society?"

"Not really. His father was a lord, he's acknowledged by George Anderson and the rest of the family, and he was popular with the other troublesome lordlings at the Westerfield Academy. But he has always preferred to distance himself from the ton." Hero made a face. "I did the same, but that is no longer possible."

"You were a serving officer, which is the best of excuses for avoiding Almack's." She glanced up at his profile. Her handsome husband, whose intimidating exterior concealed remarkable kindness and patience. "A good part of the reason for coming to London is to return me to society, but that will mean you have to attend balls and routs as well. Will you hate it too much?"

"I'm not sure," he admitted as the doors swung open before them. "I've never spent much time moving in such circles. In moderate amounts, the social routine might be amusing. Have you been yearning for the delights of the beau monde?"

"Since I went into an arranged marriage when I was young and then I was isolated in the country, I have no idea if I'll enjoy the ton. If I do, I'll probably prefer moderation, as you do." Her hand tightened on his arm. "It's fortunate that we're here at the start of the autumn social season. The spring season might be too much for me." The butler approached with the faint smile that meant gushing good humour by his standards. "Major Tiffin, Mrs Thomas, how good to see you again. The duke and duchess are dining in tonight. I shall inform them of your arrival."

"Don't interrupt them if they're eating, Holmes," Hero said. "After dinner is soon enough."

"It would be worth my job if I didn't inform them of your arrival immediately," Holmes said, his expression stern.

Hero glanced down at Josephine, humour lurking in his eyes. "In that case, tell them Major Tiffin and his wife have just arrived."

Holmes was so startled he raised his brows before saying, "Indeed I shall." He bowed and withdrew.

"That will bring them both quickly," Tessa predicted as she removed her bonnet. "Especially Rose."

Her prediction was accurate. By the time she'd removed her cloak, swift light footsteps were approaching. The duchess called merrily, "Hero, you rogue. Did you change your mind about my sister Madison and whisk her off to Gretna Green?"

Never Less Than A Lady | HerophineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang