Shut up Malfoy

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Diana pov

I walked over to the slytherin table and sat between Draco and Blaise. I thought Draco was kinda cute but also a stuck up snob. As I sat down many people where looking at me but more so boys. I felt uncomfortable and I think my brothers knew what I was feeling because they have each other a look before standing up and said,"STOP LOOKING AT OUR BADY SISTER," I was so embarrassed and angry and I wanted to punch them and disappear at the same time. Thank God Dumbledore stood up and started speaking.

Students well back to another year at hogwarts. I know you are all wondering why Dementors are here. But I can assure you that they are not here to hurt you. They are looking for an escaped prisoner from Azkaban. Don't go anywhere near these Dementors because they are not really forgiving creatures. And if anyone see or knows where Sirius Black is then I would advise you to tell me or any other professor. Other than that the feast May begin.

3rd preson

When Dumbledore said that food appeared all up and down the table, and everyone beings to eat.
Draco started talking about Diana he said," wow Diana needs her brothers to look after her. She may be beautiful but  doesn't know how to fight. When he said that her brother was about to say something but was cut off," oh would you Shut up Malfoy. She said while punching him in the arm really hard. ,"Ow you hit me. My father will hear about this.," like I care about what your father has to say. With that it was time to head to Slytherin common rooms. She went to her room to meet her roommate. She walked in and meet Isabel. Hello I am your roommate my name is Diana," Diana said. Will hi my name is Isabel and it is very nice to meet you.

Diana pov

When I walked in my room I saw my roommate and her name was Isabel. I knew right then and there that we would be great friends. Isabel," will Since we don't have school tomorrow I am going to invite some people to our room so we could play truth or Dare. You in? Sure, I said exactly. She invited everyone to our room to play.  We all sat in a circle. Isabel," Truth or Dare.... Draco. Draco, Dare. Isabel, I was hoping you would say that. I Dare you to make out with Diana. He had a small smile on his face. My brother was mad. Isabel, you have to make out for 2 minutes. Do i have to I said with a small smile on my face. Yes you have to now go up stairs and start kissing. Fine, I said while walking up the stairs with Draco. We stopped when we reached the top. I started the timer. Should we start kissing now. I said. Sure Love, I would love to be your first kiss. Oh shut up Malfoy and let's get this over with. He pulled me into a passionate kiss. His lips where  soft and he was an amazing kisser. When the timer goes off I didn't want to let go. Now love you are an amazing kisser. Draco said with a smirk on his face. Not to bad yourself I said walking down the stairs to the rest of the group. How was it, Isabel said. Will he wasn't so bad. I said while blushing. And she wasn't so bad either. Draco said while sitting down. Will we should all get some sleep it is 2 am in the morning, they all agreed and we all went to sleep.

This is the end of the chapter I hope you liked it. Diana and Draco won't be dating until the 5 year just to let yall know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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