Episode 2:Glass Caskets throw stones

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October 2011

The Lost Kingdom, Lively

By now, you are probably curious about the Lively world, especially after that cliffhanger. This chapter or episode does not begin in the 13th century nor the pandemic social distancing era such as 2020 but somewhere just as relevant. Years ago, Lively was a monarchy. However, only two houses ruled the land that was Lively.  You'll see why in just a moment.

Once a year, it was custom for students from all parts of Lively to go take a pilgrimage to the Lost Kingdom, a cold place where everyone in the land was asleep. It was also a former capital of Lively, where kings and queens once lived. On October 14th, 2011, a big group of students trudged down the mountains after a fierce five day journey. One of the students was the ten year old Flume.

Flume observed the icy hills below and immediately was revolted. The ice completely covered the plains and the village houses were completely filled with snow. 

"Psst", a boy's voice whispered. Flume turned around to a very hairy boy and by hairy, she meant as hairy as a dog. The only thing she noticed about him that made him human was the wool coat he was wearing and the blue eyes he had.

"I heard this place was haunted ", the boy whispered to her.

"Agreed. But I've been in worst places", Flume replied. It was true. She would often keep Maleficent company whenever the weather was cold. She had been everywhere from the musty dungeon to Maleficent's warm but creaking bed.

"True. My home is kinda creepy. Mum and Dad insist on keeping me home. 'Fraid I might be killed. Cursed as a child, you know," the dog boy explained as the group walked onto the village roads.

"Oh", Flume immediately felt sorry for the boy. "My mo-my godmother who I lived with was hesitant to let me go. She told me about this history of this place and she...I don't know."

"She wanted you to go?", the boy asked with shock.

"Yes, but I didn't. It's complicated. She has a very complicated past with this place," Flume replied without going into detail. It was bad enough people made fun of her just for being different but mocking Maleficent? Flume was protective with her mom and didn't want people to make fun of her and her family.

"Did she live here?", the boy asked eagerly.

"No", Flume hesitated. "But I think her sister did. She only told me part of the story but she's cautious." It's true, Maleficent told her how she cursed the Princess but why? She didn't know how to ask that. Even Pan has refused to answer. But she had a feeling that her aunt Evelyn was involved somehow. Was that why they never talked?

"My name's Adam,"the boy chirped, sticking his hand out towards Flume. Flume hesitated. No one had ever greeted her with such friendliness before. Finally, Flume had the courage to shake his hand.

"My name's Flume," she chirped back, before hearing the Teacher's bell. The teacher was a stout woman with Harry Potter glasses and a plain blue dress. Right behind a teacher was a remarkable cathedral. It was normal for Lively to have churches or chapels. The Nameless Queen, or the Evil Queen as the Northern Livilians ruthlessly call her, had donated countless amounts of money towards churches as she was rumored to be deeply devout and her successors strangely followed behind it. But Flume found this cathedral more strange than beautiful. The ceiling was gabled and the towers were tall but she noticed more irregular features. The stained glass windows of the mighty cathedral had horrid paintings, the front window showing an image of a beautiful girl with a blue blouse and a bright yellow skirt is surrounded by frightning creatures surrounding her. One with an ugly blue scaly face, one was a gargoyle and more unseemly creatures: a menacing creature with horns and large black wings, a bloody horse with a menacing grin, and a monstrous yet small pixie. The girl in the painting looked horrified. Magical creatures, she realized. We were considered monsters. 

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