⚡️Never have I ever (Lyn X Cyd)

317 28 409

June 06, 2021

(Canon-ish) Fanfiction Short of my book, The Lightning Mage, set between the chapters of 55 & 57.

Word Count: 3,002


It was the second of May. Outside, the air was a mix of cool sweater weather and noxious pollen season; inside, drunk laughter filled the living room. It was the second of May, and it was also Lyn's birthday. A small group of people was in the birthday girl's apartment, chatting, drinking, and playing games.

Cydney, however, was sitting on the couch. Her back leaned all the way into the cushion, as though she wanted to dissolve into the leather. She really did not want to be here, but she had to, for Lyn. The excited woman had already reduced the size of the party from the hundreds (Sigh, the life of being together with a lovable extrovert, right?) to a very select group of ten people, and had only bought a couple cans of beer and hard cider with mild levels of alcohol. Cydney knew how big of a compromise this birthday party was, so she willed herself to stay, despite her discomfort.

Honestly, it had been so many years since that incident, so why did alcohol still give her these headaches? She sunk further into the couch and let out a small sigh. Perhaps the better question to ask might be: why the hell did she have to fall in love with one of the most extroverted people in the world?

Just as the question crossed her mind, Lyn appeared in front of her with a flushed grin. "Cinna, do you want more soda?" she asked, pointing at the empty cup that Cydney was holding.

Cydney could not help but smile at the eager Lyn. Even when she was with her friends, Lyn never failed to check on her. "Yeah, if you don't mind."

Lyn beamed and leaned forward to give her a peck on the lips. Strands of auburn hair tickled Cydney's face, the shivers travelled down her spine and all over her body. "Anything for you, Cinnamon Pie," Lyn said before trotting off into the kitchen.

Just then, Millie jumped onto the couch next to Cydney. "Having fun?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Cydney nodded. "As much as I can, I guess."

"Aw, Cyd." Millie pouted, throwing her hands over Cydney. "I'm so sorry, I told Lyn to make this a small event with just us, but she really wanted some of her Dawn Avenger friends to come. I will tell her off next t—"

"No, no, it's fine." Cydney shook her head. "I know she kept it as small as she could. It's her birthday, I don't want to force her to exclude all of her friends."

"True, she definitely held back and didn't invite the entire Dawn Avengers guild this time." Millie chuckled, sipping on her orange juice —she had said that she wasn't a fan of beer, but Cydney wondered if she was remaining sober for her sake. Either way, Cydney was appreciative of that. "I remember her birthday party last year, it was a whole mess."

Before Cydney could reply, a loud noise boomed from the dining area. "Everyone! Gather here for a game!!"

It was Ivan, one of Lyn's friends from Dawn Avengers. He was standing on the dining table and yelling at the top of his lungs. "LET US GET LYN HAMMERED!"

"I told you, dude, no drinking games!" Lyn was next to the table, shouting in frustration.

"And I told you, no standing on the dining table!" Irene, Lyn's roommate, was also shouting, but for a very different reason.

"But it'll be so fun!" Ivan screamed as he was dragged down to the floor by both Lyn and Irene.

"Hey Cydney." A high-pitched voice probed from Cydney's side. It was Manda, Lyn's other Dawn Avengers friend. "Would you want to join us in a game?"

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