✍️ The Taste of Summer (Summer of Songs Contest Entry)

218 25 65

June 08, 2021


Flash Fiction written for the Summer of Songs contest hosted by lgbtq

Word Count: 500


Torrential rain hammered on the concrete pavement, attacking the two girls as they scurried across the street. When they finally found refuge under a random gazebo, they slumped onto the bench, huffing, puffing, and laughing maniacally.

"Argh, can't believe it's raining!" Lyn exclaimed.

"I know right?" Rei said, tilting her head up to look at the taller girl. "Like, it's summer, damn it, save the rain for the lamer seasons."

Lyn chortled at that statement. Strands of auburn hair stuck to her face, like flower petals pressed against a porcelain doll; droplets of rain clinged onto her long eyelashes, causing her emerald eyes to twinkle just a little more than usual.

For a moment, something in Rei's chest twisted. She gulped. Quickly averting her gaze from Lyn's smiling face, she pulled at her drenched blouse. "Man, I absolutely hate the feeling of wet clothes on skin."

"You know, you can take it off if you want," teased Lyn. 

A thought flashed across Rei's mind, as her lips twitched upwards. "Sure," she said with a shrug. After all, why not? She was only here for the summer break, and she won't see Lyn ever again after next week. And out of all the other pretty girls at the beach party, Lyn—this breathtaking, drop-dead gorgeous, Victoria-Secret-model-like girl—had approached Rei, for some reason. And now, they were inches apart, dripping wet and all alone.

Rei's nonchalant reply caught Lyn by surprise. "Huh? Rei, what are you—"

But it was too late; Rei was already in her bra and boxer briefs, shaking her clothes in the air. "No worries, it'll dry in a minute or two."

"Damn, there might be people here..." Lyn looked around. The streets were empty, but she still shifted her body such that it would block Rei from potential passersby's view.

"It doesn't matter." Rei chuckled. Her own heart was beating through her chest, but from Lyn's shaky breath, she knew that Lyn was suffering from the same condition. "Why are you so red, Lyn? Are you sick?"

Lyn did not reply. Was she tongue-tied? She had been such a smooth talker earlier in the day. Rei could not help but laugh again. Who knew a seasoned flirt could also be reduced to a reddened, awkward state like this?

"I swear, everyone is getting sick nowadays." Rei shook her head and touched Lyn's neck. "Yep, elevated temperature... and elevated heart rate too. Damn, do you need to go to the hospital?"

Lyn scowled. "Hey, don't make fun of me." Her hands fell on Rei's neck as well. "See, you're burning up too." Then, her eyes widened as she suddenly realized what she had done.

Time seemed to freeze over. The two girls stared at each other in silence. Outside the gazebo, the air was humid and grey, while the space between them was fiery and vibrant, like a rainbow in the middle of a storm.

After what seemed like forever, Lyn bent forward. Their warm breaths touched and mingled, followed by their lips, then their tongues.

Honey. Summer tasted like honey.


A/N: The characters in the short are from my book, The Lightning Mage, and RFNasua 's book, Lady Reaper Reianne. I would also like to thank RF for providing some of the dialogue used here.

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