⚡️ The Lightning Mage: The Game, Part IV

45 13 52

July 07, 2022

Word Count: 1,493



All five of us gasp in different ways—surprise, shock, or groans of annoyance.

"Benji, my slave!" Lorraine exclaims. The two of them have a strange relationship that I choose not to look into. "You're here! No wonder you haven't been talking to me!"

Benji stares at Lorraine, or 'Millie', for a while before it finally clicks in his head. "My Queen!" He lifts his hands and does an exaggerated bow. "I am honored to be in your presence. Oh my god, you have turned into such a goddess!"

Lorraine flicks her thick, curly hair and smirks. "I am always a goddess."

"Yes, yes, indeed you are." Benji nods vigorously. "But you're extra dark now. Goddess with a richer flavor. But you are beautiful no matter what."

"Get me out of here!" Ayah grumbles.

Gabby is pinching her nose bridge in frustration while Kitty's face is contorted with disgust.

Meanwhile, I am just happy to see an old friend. "Benji, I cannot believe you are here." Seeing his confused expression, I add, "I'm Nia!"

Benji blinks. "Nia? Wait, this is so cool! You're a dude now, and I'm a woman! We both switched genders. How awesome is that?"

"Not at all," I deadpan. "I fucking hate this thing."

Benji laughs before scratching his silver hair and grimacing. "Okay, yeah, honestly, it was cool at first, but after so many weeks, I just want to go back to my body now."

"Weeks?" I frown. Looking around me, I see that everyone has the same puzzled expression as I do. "Benji, what do you mean, weeks? How long have you been here?"

"I don't know, bro!" Benji pulls at his head. Every time a strand of hair comes out of place, it magically returns to its neatly braided spot. "I think I've been here for weeks? Or months? God, I hope it hasn't been years. I just can't complete my stupid mission! I don't understand it! I haven't read the stupid book!"

I ignore the insult for now and focus on the biggest problem. "What's your mission?"

Benji opens up his settings page and shows his quest to me.

'Invade the QA headquarters'.

"What the fuck is the QA?" Benji whines again, pulling out more of his hair only for them to fly back in place.

"The Quester's Association," Kitty says.

"The what now?"

"The worst organization ever," I clarify.

I cannot believe this is Benji's—or Sybil's—quest. The book has never mentioned this, but then again, the book is from Lyn's perspective. Of course Sybil the Witch's mission is to destroy the QA. That's honestly amazing. Fuck the QA. I know we are stuck in this game and we need to get back home, but this quest resonates with me on a personal level.

Kitty yelps next to me and I spin around to face her.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"My quest changed." She swipes at the floating screen in front of her.

"Oh that's right, you've found Sybil the Witch. You technically completed your previous quest. What is it now?"

"Help Sybil with her quest," recites Kitty.

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