🍒 Deleted scene from previous draft

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This is an extra smut scene from the first rough draft. It's a fun little scene I whipped up on a whim, and thus it is not very good and has nothing to do with the plot. Therefore, I removed it. But if you're interested, I hope you enjoy. xD



Chloe's brows furrow when she sees the bowl of whipped cream in my hands. "RJ, you're just gonna eat that? That's so unhealthy."

Oh, sweet, innocent Chloe. I tap on her nose. "I'm gonna eat this with fruits."

"Fruits?" Her frown deepens. "We didn't buy any. Should I go buy some?"

I glance behind to ensure that the door is locked. Good, it is. Chloe's mother is outside, so I'll have to be as quiet as possible. Whether Chloe can keep quiet, however, is another issue.

I swipe a bit of cream on my fingers and put it in my mouth. "You don't have to buy any. I have some cherries."

"Cherries? You have cherries? They're so expensive." Silly girl is still not getting the hint. You'd think after spending all night having multiple rounds of sex with me that she'd get my references instantly.

"They sure are, but I have one right here." I smirk before pulling her in for a kiss. A deep, passionate kiss. I feel her knees buckle as I push her to the wall, the bowl of whipped cream sandwiched between us. "How does it taste, my Cherry?"

Her face flushes a bright red. "Oh," she mutters, finally understanding what I mean. "It's... It's good... but we'll get diabetes if we keep doing this..."

"We'll just burn the calories off, easy." Taking a bit more cream, I spread it on her cheeks. She lets out a soft yelp, but her voice trails off in shock when I lean forward to lick it off.

"Ew, RJ..." she says in between her nervous chuckle.

"What? It tastes good." I spread some cream on her neck—the parts of her neck she's very weak at—and kiss it. The cream is much, much sweeter when there is a moan that comes along with it. I can't help but grin as I stare at the flustered Chloe.

"Get on the bed and take off your clothes," I tell her. As always, she listens to my every word like a good girl.

I climb onto the bed and place the bowl next to Chloe. She is sitting and leaning against the bedpost, naked and exposed. Her breasts—huge for her size, and a lot bigger than mine—spills out from her chest, and my eyes zoom in on her nipples. Pink, perky nipples, still slightly swollen from last night's shenanigans.

How is her body so goddamn perfect?

She shrieks a little as I dab the cream onto her pink pearls. I shush her. "Your mom is outside," I warn.

"Then let's do this after she's asleep," she begs.

"But I'm hungry now," I press. As I wrap my hands around her waist, Chloe's breaths become heavier. They tickle my forehead, and I can feel her shiver in anticipation. "Excited?" I tease.

"It's cold," she complains. "Get it off."

"So you do want me to lick it." My smile widens at her blushing face. Locking my eyes with hers, I slowly bend down and lick the cream away.

A moan immediately escapes her throat, and she stops it by covering her mouth with her hands. She stares at me, her eyes a mix of fear and pleasure, as she presses her mouth like she's gagging herself. For some reason, this sight is turning me on even more. My lips and tongue go on overdrive around her breasts, even after all the cream is wiped clean.

"RJ, please," Chloe begs again when I'm done. "I can't keep quiet."

"What do you mean? You're doing a pretty good job," I say, wiping even more whipped cream all over her body.

I spend the next few minutes savoring the taste of the cream on Chloe's body and savoring the soft moans that escape from her every so often. She is so fucking beautiful and so fucking delicious.

"This is unfair." Huffing in bliss, she gives me a small pout. "I want to try the whipped cream too."

"Sorry, here, I'll let you try." I take a scoop of cream and put it on my tongue. Then, I pull Chloe in for a kiss. I let her tongue glide around mine as she searches for a taste of sweetness, while I focus on unbuttoning her pants and pulling them off.

Her mouth leaves mine to let out a whimper when my finger finds her clit.

"I'm entering, okay?" I whisper into her ears. She nods as she crumples on my body and tugs on my shirt. Keeping my thumb on her sensitive spot, my hand slides into her, penetrating into her walls.

She trembles against my body, and I watch her face as I thrust my fingers. Her face contorts, her brows twitch, and then, at a particular spot, her eyes dilate, and her breath hitches. I smile. That must be the spot.

I continue, with more vigor than before. My other hand finds her breast and starts to fondle it.

When she starts to tell me to speed up, I comply. I make sure to keep thrusting even after she lets out a cry, even after she completely slumps on my body, panting and jerking and whispering "oh my god" over and over again. Her eyelids droop in the sexiest way possible, and her raspy breaths are the most beautiful sounds in the world.

Happiness soars in me. What I would do to see her orgasm like this every single day. A fucking perfect angel.

She looks at me, and whimpers again, "I was so loud."

"I told you to keep it down." I shrug, although I know I did not do anything to help her in that regard. In fact, I prided myself in making her moan out loud—and I'm so fucking proud of myself.

"Shut up. You did that on purpose."

"Maybe." I dip my soaked fingers—wet with everything Chloe had to offer—into the bowl and scoop up the rest of the whipped cream. "Mm, cherry juice and whipped cream," I say, before licking my fingers clean.

She slaps my arm. "Idiot," she huffs. "You didn't save me any."

I raise my eyebrows. "There's more outside, silly. Stay here, and I'll go get more."

I chuckle as her eyes widen in shock. Then, I slip out of the room, leaving her and her bare body sprawled on the bed.

I'll be back for more.

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