Chapter 1

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 Everything that is written in here might be nothing but garbage to you. There are things that are beyond science and what a normal human mind might not be able to comprehend. Take it as a story, a philosophy or just a random rant. I don't expect you to believe a thing that I've written in this book. But would appreciate your time on taking a glance on what's written here.

Anyways the most frequently asked question :-

So Mishan, are all the things written on your book based on true events ?

Well, I shall leave that for you to decide

Enough talk lets start with an event that occurred in my life quite a time ago.

The story of a dream

Thursday, March 14th, 1895. Now, I know what you may be thinking - "aren't you currently just 19 years old?" What is with this 1895? -  I promise to explain everything, as things are about to get a bit strange. Just bear with me for a while.

It was my birthday, and like any other day, I woke up to the sound of my loud neighbors screaming at their children at around 6am. It was just another routine day, nothing special expect for the fact that it was my birthday. Celebrating birthdays was not a thing back then.  No one had wished me a happy birthday, and I didn't expect them to either. However, something else had been troubling me, and I couldn't shake it off my head.

Later that same evening, after doing nothing for the whole day, I went for a walk towards the woods. I don't quite remember why , perhaps it was just boredom. While it wasn't quite a forest, there weren't many houses where I lived, you could see dense trees everywhere. Cheetahs and wild elephants were commonly seen in my village too, so I was asked to be always cautious and my father wouldn't allow me outside the house unless I have a company or unless I'm with someone elderly.

On the way, I came across a small river where I loved to spend my time alone, also was my favorite spot. There was a big stone in the middle of the river where I would sit with my half leg dipped in the flowing water. Not a worry in the world, feeling the cold breeze on my face.  Then my eyes caught something-a person sitting at the bottom of a nearby waterfall. He looked like a shaman and was wearing black clothes. He was standing under the falling water with closed eyes. Don't know what he was doing but as i think now maybe it was some sort of meditation. For some reason, my childish mind wanted some action as I was bored. 

We all want action in our lives don't we? 

Guess what !

I picked up a small stick from the ground and started batting pebbles towards the shaman. 

Suddenly, the man's eyes snapped open  - green shiny eyes with dense black eyebrows and he glared at me with a fierce intensity. I was certain he wouldn't be angry because  non of the pebbles had actually hit him. 

Well I couldn't be any wrong. He came marching towards me(not literally). I was frozen, I didn't run because my mind had gone blank. In simple words I was about to "piss my pants".

I was Scared.

 He seemed inexplicably furious. He was just a few meters away from me. I could see he was carrying  a stick with a shiny stone-similar to a crystal attached at the top of it. He picked up his stick and pointed it towards me, I was frozen with fear. For a moment, I thought he might hit me with it. Instead, he murmured something in an unfamiliar tone that I could not understand as he was still a bit far from me.

Terrified, I ran as fast as I could. As I fled, my mind raced with fear and confusion. Had I angered him by throwing pebbles? Did he curse me with black magic? Was I going to die? These thoughts consumed me. I thought about this event for the entire night and I couldn't sleep because of it.

The following day, I fell ill with a high fever, likely due to my lack of sleep and the stress of the previous day's events. I feared that this was it, that I would not make it, that shaman had cursed me with some sort of black magic and that I was about to die.

The day had come to an end, it was evening I was laying on the floor, feeling weak and helpless, I suddenly passed out. I didn't fall asleep but I guess you could say i fainted, and when I came to my senses, I experienced something that to this day I have no explanation to.

And with this my story begins...

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