Chapter 4

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So, I am everything....? But... how? How can I be alone when there are so many people in the world living their own separate lives? I asked

There is nobody else except for you!

How is this possible? What about my friends, My family,and all the people that have been living all over the world?

All you, he replied!

And what about all the people that are dead already? How can I be them? 

You see, death is an illusion you never really do die. There is no such thing as death.

But we do die! What about my grandfather, or my cousin brother that lost his life due to a heart disease? or other billions of people that have been dead since so long time? Where do they go? Or what happens to them if they're not dead?

They all  later reincarnate as "you" !

As me? I asked


So what was I in my last life? Was I a human?

No, you are a pet  cat owned by a woman in the year 3050 BS(2093 AD)  that is according to your time table.

(BS-Bikram Sambat, Date according to a Nepali calender)

3050 BS? Does that mean I was in the future?

yes, if u like to call it "future". Time only exists for you, its just an illusion you created for yourself. Time has no meaning. "Meaning" word itself holds no significance.

"It made no sense to me.."

So Everyone that is currently alive or already dead were all me just the different incarnations of me ?

yes, you got that right! In simple words, You were buddha and all of his followers that he taught and influenced. Which also means every kindness that you've shown towards another person or being, were you showing kindness to yourself , everything that you've done to hurt others were the things you did to hurt yourself. 

Everything that humans have achieved till date including all the achievements in science and technology, you were the only one who did it, All alone. You get to experience life from every being's perspective that has ever existed in your world. "Karma" as you call it in your books.

 Does that mean our future is already predetermined? Everything that will occur during our lifetime is already decided or written somewhere? I asked 

Yes, but the choices you make while you live does matter. You have been given the freedom of will for a reason. There isn't just one future. There are many futures and the destination is determined by the type of choices you make. You'll get to experience every small and big choices of every lives. For example; If I ask you to come here with me there's a a part of you that will choose to say "yes" and another part of u that'll choose to say "No", you'll get to experience from both the perspectives about what would happen if you had decided to come with me and what would happen if you had denied.

Does that also mean I will have to go through or have been through each and every experience that had been experienced by every living beings that existed from past and the future?

Yes. He replied.

" I started imagining all the people that shed blood in the name of war. I started imagining myself from  the perspective of the people who were murdered, raped, bullied. How they must have felt. All the news, that I used to see in the television about people being burnt alive by other people, kidnapped and tortured till death. They were all me. All the animals that were brutally killed for food, were all me. All this time I had been eating myself?  "

If everyone that is alive right now or were alive once in time were all me ? What's the point of it at all if I cant remember things from my past life?

Yes, you are right you wont have any memory of your past lives. Once you've reincarnated and your body is renewed, your new body doesn't hold any memories of the past lives anymore. However your soul does remember everything and the events of your past lives does make difference on what choices you make in this lifetime.

If that is true than why am I here? Why did you make me? What do you want me to do? What is right by your definitions? What is wrong? What should I be doing?

I don't want you to do anything , Just experience what u have that is all.

So what's the meaning of life? Why did you make me? There must be a reason behind making me, isn't there?

There is!! In this universe you are alone, However there are other beings who reside in other worlds or planets as you call it but ultimately you are the only being that exist in this universe. But there are others like you in some other places living a life, learning and experiencing things just like what you are doing here in this universe right now. And once you've matured enough you finally will be able to take my place.

Take your place? What do you mean? I asked

You'll become just like me. And guide and raise a new God. 

A God? I asked


So I'm a God too?

yes, but you still have a long way to go. You are my child for now and I'm your guide who is supposed to guide you. I was always there with you and will always be there with you in your future lives too. You'll always be under my protection and guidance. It is my job to show you the way but it is your choice and decisions that ultimately matters on what path you take.

 So when do I actually become like you?

That is for me to decide. I'll let you know when its time. There is not a certain time limit. Unless you figure somethings out you'll keep having different lives until you finally learn everything and gathered enough love and light for yourself.

But what am I actually supposed to do as a human?

That is what I left for you to learn and explore.

You said you are a God too, so who made you? What about your existence? And why is it that I'm experiencing this ? am I something special? Why me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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