Chapter 2

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I woke up, or maybe not. 

I slowly opened my eyes. I still could see nothing because it felt so bright, almost like there's a bright source of light directly Infront of me.

After a while I slowly began to get into my senses. I started observing the place around me. It wasn't my room. There was nothing around me. Everywhere I looked there was a yellow light beams coming out of nowhere and clean white floor made up of clouds or maybe they weren't clouds I can't really explain what it was but it was as similar as floor of clouds. I couldn't feel my body. Something was pushing me slightly, maybe the wind. I was as light as feather. Similar feeling as to when you are underwater. 

Also -Am I actually dead? 

Or is this just a dream?

 Is this the afterlife that everyone says and talks about? All types of questions started to pop off in my mind. I wasn't scared at all and I don't know why. I was so confused that I was observing everything around me hoping to find something or someone at least.

 But then I sensed something maybe a noise. As I looked towards the front, there was someone. I thought that must be the god ? or an angle? maybe an alien that made humans. He was slowly walking towards me.

 I correct, he wasn't walking he was just moving, slowly coming closer. It was more like he was floating. He had no shape, he didn't have a physical body. I don't know how i can explain this. Still even after seeing what he was or what it was I felt no fear. Although this place was unknown to me, I still had a feeling that I had some kind of a familiarity to this place. I knew I was here before; in fact, I knew I was here many times. I knew I was safe here. I had no idea what was happening.

 Also, I had totally forgotten about the life back home as well. That person or thing started getting closer and closer that now I could see his appearance. He looked very friendly from the way he came or something about him was very friendly. I kept staring at him until he came really close to me that now I could see him clearly. As I looked towards it, something felt wrong! My jaw dropped; I know this person!!! But how? What is this? What is happening? I was shocked, 

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