Chapter 3

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 I looked towards it and that was me.! There was me staring Infront of myself. I can't explain why or how exactly I could tell that but I did.   For a few moment, I couldn't stop looking towards it. Maybe no one can really know what that experience feels like unless you experience it first-hand. After quite a while of staring at him, out of curiosity I couldn't stop myself asking him what was actually going on with me, what is happening! I decided to question him, I first came up with the very obvious one:

Am I dead?

He answered calmly with "You don't have to know this now".

He had a friendly way of communicating, and just by that, it made me even calmer. 

And then I realized I didn't speak, yet I did communicate with him. 

I realized I couldn't speak as I had no mouth. I literally had no body, yet I was there. 

Like how does that even make sense? I looked for my body I had no body. Does that mean I had no eyes too?? Ofcourse!! How was I seeing then? How was I communicating? How was I doing it? How did this happen? When did I learn to do all this? So, this must be a dream, right? All types of questions started to pop off in my mind. I just couldn't stay without doing or asking anything. So I asked him :

who are you? Are you the god?

Replying he said, "Would you like to meet the god?".

And that was all, he paused. I was annoyed and the curiosity was at the top of my head. I quickly followed up:

So, Where am I?Is this the afterlife?

To that he replied" Yes, if that's what you like to call it! But know this place as your home for now, you were always here and will always be here. And you don't have to worry you are safe.

Wise of him to think that would make any sense to a 14-year-old kid. Well thinking of it does make sense now, or maybe not I don't really know. I immediately brought up another question.

What will happen to me now?

to that he replied


I followed :

what does that mean?

He replied everything will happen like it is supposed to happen, you don't have to worry.

At that point my brain had already gone blank I couldn't say anything else because nothing was making sense anyways. Then he slowly came near me touched me with his aura, it somehow connected with mine, and asked me to come with him. I couldn't say no, else where would I go anyway. We slowly started going towards nothingness. There was nothing, I could see nothing Infront of me, but we were moving forward that was all I knew.

At that point I had pretty much made up my mind that I was in a dream, a lucid dream maybe. There's no way this could be real. Little did I know what was about to happen next. As we moved further into the void, I started seeing other beings there as well. Seems I wasn't alone out there after all. As I glanced to my right there was someone with a humanly figure, crouching as if he was crying bowing his head down. I ignored. We kept moving forward he didn't say anything to me for quite a while. I couldn't hold myself like that I questioned him:

Are we going to hell? or maybe heaven, Am I getting punished for the sins that I committed while on earth?

He wasn't surprised that I brought up this question, I felt like he was expecting this question. He replied calmly in a slow manner:

"No, there is no hell or heaven. People created these terms themselves. He paused for some time and then continued; you haven't done anything wrong, there is no such thing as right or wrong, you can do and always will have the freedom to do anything that you're capable of doing.

I followed:

What about the bad people then? They don't get punished if they did bad things in their lives?

No, they don't. And I've never said I'd punish anyone for anything, neither I differentiated between doing this is a sin and doing that is not. I've also never asked anyone to worship me either. That is all what you people created for yourself.

I was confused. I thought for some time and then questioned:

What about when somebody hurts someone or does a bad thing to someone? Or even murder someone? Will you let that person go without punishing him as well?

He replied:


But how is that justifiable? Isn't he supposed to be punished for what he did, like what has been said in all the religious books such as "The Bible" and "The Bhagwat Geeta"?

Again; I did not write anything of what has been written in those books. If there was anything that I wouldn't want you to do, I would never give you the ability to do it in the very first place.

I thought for a while....

So, hurting others, doing something bad to them, murdering others, stealing something from others, everything is okay as well? There's are no consequences to them?

His aura suddenly came in front of mine and he said:

"There are no others, it's just you!

Just me? what do you mean? I asked

Everything or every being that you've ever encountered in the past or will ever encounter in the future is you. Including all the people, trees, insects, and all the plants or everything that you could see around you. Everything was and is made up of you for you. In simple words, there is no one else in this world except for you. So, it's not possible for you to hurt somebody else, you can only hurt yourself.

So, I am everything....? But... how? How can I be alone when there are so many people in the world living their own separate lives? I asked

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