18| Bells

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Chapter 18: Bells (Ace's POV)

The next few days leading up to our wedding, Gianna and I didn't speak. At all. We were meant to meet for lunch, another order from our fathers, and so I went to Sapphire, doing as I was told. But she never showed up. 

How amazing, isn't it? Being stood up by your fiance a few days before your wedding? Fucking pathetic. 

I walked into the church with my father while it was still being decorated for today. We're the first to arrive. 

I looked at the door wily my father looked around the decorations, and I saw Mr. John walking in. "Ace!" He was beaming today. He's a happy man, for the most part, which means all times apart from when he's doing business. But today he's looking extra happy. Even happy meals don't make people that happy. 

"Mr. John," I smiled in response. 

"Ah, the church looks beautiful, don't you think?" 

"It sure does. But I bet Gianna looks even more beautiful, can I see her?" Because I have a bone to pick with her and I want to pick it before we're married. I'd hate to start our married life with a fight. 

"I'm afraid not. The bride and groom can't see each other on the day of the wedding until the wedding. Sorry, son. But I'll tell you what you can do." 

I raised my brows at him. 

"You can give Aria a message and she'll deliver it to Gianna. She's the bridesmaid." 

Oh, is she now? But I can't tell Aria to tell Gianna any of it. I trust that Gianna is smart enough to keep our conversations to herself and not tell a soul. Not even her best friend. 

"That's okay. I'll just... wait until later." 

"Have you two spoken about a honeymoon?" What kind of father-in-law asks that question? 

"Uh, not yet," I chuckled awkwardly. "We'll plan it soon." 

"You should go after the reception." The reception is three nights from now. 

I nodded. "We will." 

"I'll go see Gianna now. We should start preparing, the guests will be here any second." He left after that and I lingered around before I went to the basement, where the get-ready rooms were. 

I thought I could sneak in to see Gianna but then I heard her father and Aria with her when I passed her room. So, I went into my own room instead. There, I took my coat off, hung it up, and sat on the couch, waiting for someone to come in and get me when the wedding was supposed to start. 

There was a knock on the door and it opened a second later, revealing Nathan. "How're you feeling about the wedding?" He strolled in, sitting in the chair. 

"I don't really care much for it," I sighed, leaning back. "I need to talk to her first." 

"Well, you can't. Rules are rules, buddy." 

I huffed, glancing at the clock. "How much longer?" 

"Just five minutes. The guests are there, we're only waiting on the priest." 

This is so stupid. Why didn't we just get married at a courthouse? Why the traditional church stuff? It's not even a real marriage. She's marrying me with an ulterior motive and so am I. She just wants to get back at me somehow and I just want her to keep her mouth shut. 

"Do you hear that?" 

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him in confusion. "What?" 

"Those are your wedding bells ringing," he teased. 

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