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Ayla comes home from her first day of kindergarten, happy as can be. She can't stop talking about all of her new friends, teachers, and classes. She's especially excited for music class, which doesn't surprise Taylor at all. Music runs in her genes, and she has shown signs of musical talent already, even though she's too young to start taking lessons. Ayla loves to play with her toy piano and drums. A few weeks ago, she figured out how to play 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' by ear on her piano, which amazed Taylor.

The next morning, Ayla is up and dressed for school before Taylor even goes to wake her. That makes Taylor smile. She really is happy that her little girl loves school, even if it has only been one day so far. Since Ayla is already dressed, the two find themselves with some extra time in the morning.

"Can we watch Paw Patrol please Momma?" Ayla asks.

"On the TV, not the iPad," Taylor says. "Go ahead and sit down on the sofa. I'll be in to turn it on for you as soon as I'm done with my cereal."

Ayla jumps out of her chair in excitement and slides across the kitchen floor in her socks, making her way to the living room. Taylor knows her daughter well enough to know that if she put the show on the iPad, then it wouldn't be long before Ayla was sneakily playing games instead, and she doesn't want that so early in the morning, especially not before school.

After Taylor is all finished up with her breakfast, she turns on the TV for Ayla. "We just have time for one episode, okay? You have to promise Mommy that you will be a good girl and brush your teeth and get in the car as soon as your show is over, or else you won't be allowed to watch TV before school again, okay?"

"Yes Mommy," Ayla says with a big grin on her face. She's quite pleased with the idea of getting to watch her favorite show before school. Taylor turns on an episode, then walks away to go pack Ayla's lunch.

She really does love having this sort of life that is so normal. She loves being nothing but a mommy to the most amazing little girl. She loves packing lunches and watching Paw Patrol and hosting play dates and taking Ayla to pick out a new toy when she has been a good girl.

If this Broadway gig doesn't end up working out, that's okay. She's so happy with her life right now, truly.

Taylor finishes up packing up her daughter's lunchbox, then sets it by the door with Ayla's backpack. She notices that the show is finishing up, so she lingers in the back of the living room until the credits roll.

"Okay Miss Ayla, it's time to get ready for school now. Go potty and then Mommy will be in to help you brush your teeth."

Ayla obeys, just as she had promised, and Taylor turns off the TV before following the little girl to the bathroom. Ten minutes later, two sneakers have been tied, a sweatshirt has been zipped, and the little girl has been strapped into her car seat.

"Ayla, I have a meeting in the city today, okay? I should be back in time, but if traffic is really bad and I'm a few minutes late to pick you up, don't freak out." Ayla's school has a half-hour window of time that parents can pick their kids up, but yesterday, Taylor was there right when the clock struck 3:00 and that window started.

"Okay. What are you doing in the city Mommy?" Ayla asks.

"I just have to meet with some guys who want to pay me to write a few songs for them. I'm not sure that I'm going to do it."

Ayla nods, but doesn't say anything more. Taylor feels bad about not giving her more of an explanation, but she wants to get through this meeting before talking with the little girl. Taylor isn't even completely sure that Ayla fully comprehends what a musical is, so it'll be good for her to see one this weekend before Taylor has to make a commitment to joining the team.

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