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"Hey, I've been meaning to ask," Taylor says to her family as they're sitting down at dinner the next day. "Is it going to be alright if Blake and Ryan and the kids come over for New Year's Eve? They wanted to goodbye before we leave for London, and it's always nice for Ayla to have somebody to play with."

"Of course, that sounds wonderful," Andrea assures her daughter. "We were sad that we didn't get to see her family when we came up to see the show."

Taylor smiles. Blake's family really has become like an extension of her own. The kids all have so much fun together, and likewise, the adults really are Taylor's best friends.

After dinner, she sends off a text to Blake and plans are quickly made.

"So, that makes... you, me, Ayla, my parents, Austin and Kristy, Ryan and Blake, and their three kids... 12 people here for New Year's Eve," Taylor tells Joe that evening. "That's a lot of people... What do you think I should do for food?"

"Whatever's easy for you, I'm sure will please everyone," Joe assures her. "You could order pizzas if you aren't up for cooking."

"I could..." Taylor says, toying with the idea. "That'd be... what, four pizzas probably?"

"Yeah, maybe five just to be safe. We can always keep leftovers."

"That's true. It might be easiest to do that since we are leaving for London so soon after."

With the big move growing closer and closer by the minute, the Swift household has lots of boxes all packed up, ready to be moved in a few short days. It's absolutely crazy to Taylor that she's really doing this. To an outsider, it would seem utterly ridiculous. She knows that she can't look at it from an outsider's point of view, though. She just has to take this one day at a time... one hour at a time, even.

Her days visiting with her family go quickly, and before she knows it, New Year's Eve rolls around. The daytime is spent preparing the house for the party that is going to ensue in the evening. Everyone except for the Reynolds-Lively clan is already in the house, and Blake's family arrives at 6:00, all ready to party. Blake and the kids are all dressed in sparkles, something that makes Ayla happy.

"Mommy, look! James and Nezzie and Betty are all wearing sparklies, just like me!" she exclaims, twirling around in her glittery dress.

Taylor laughs. "That's right. That's what you wear for New Year's Eve. You wear fun, sparkly things so that you can make sure to have a good start to the New Year."

"Because sparkles will make you happy so that you're happy in the first minute of the next year," Ayla nods knowingly. The adults all laugh at this.

"I can think of somebody who doesn't love sparkles," Blake laughs, placing her hand on Ryan's arm. "Betty gave him a hug earlier, and there was so much glitter from her outfit that rubbed off on him."

Taylor laughs. "Ryan, you didn't want to shimmer too?"

"Not particularly."

Taylor leads everyone to the kitchen, where the table has been set up with an assortment of pizza, chips, cookies, and a fruit salad. "Sorry it's nothing too fancy," she says. "It's been crazy over here."

"Oh, don't even go there," Blake says. "It all looks great. This is the kids' favorite meal ever, I'd have to say."

Taylor laughs. She hands out juice boxes for the kids, then serves up drinks for the adults before everyone moves into the living room to chat while they're eating.

"Mommy, can we go to the playroom?" Ayla asks, after the kids are all done with their plates.

"Of course," Taylor says. "Are we all planning on staying up for midnight?"

"Yeah!" Ayla exclaims.

"Okay, okay. I'll come get you when it's getting close, if you're still in the playroom." Taylor doesn't suppose that the younger kids will actually make it to midnight. She doesn't think that Ayla has ever even stayed awake past 10:00.

The adults spend the evening talking and catching up, preparing for the coming months that they are all going to be apart. Taylor's family will be down in Nashville, Taylor and Joe in London, and Blake's family staying in New York. The next time that they are all in the same room, everything could be so different. They will know the fate of the show, Austin and Kristy will be parents, and the kids will be a year older. Ayla will be a first grader, James will be a middle schooler.

The night seems to go fast. At about 10:30, James and Inez walk out of the playroom and come back to the living room.

"Ayla and Betty fell asleep," James says, causing Taylor and Blake to smile.

"Are they comfy in there?" Taylor asks. "We can move them up to Ayla's bedroom if not."

"They seem comfy," Inez shrugs. "They were on the foam puzzle play mat thingy and they have blankets and stuffed animals and stuff."

"Okay," Taylor smiles. "We'll just leave them."

"Betty doesn't transfer well anyway," Blake says. "She'll wake up and be hard to get back to sleep, which I'm sure will happen when we take her to the car anyway, but we should let her rest now, since she's tired."

Taylor smiles with an idea. "How about you two go into the game closet and find Apples to Apples? We can all play."

Inez and James smile at that idea, then scurry off to find the game.

Everyone is more than happy to play the game, and they all have a lot of fun. Before anyone knows it, there's just a few minutes until midnight. Taylor pours out champagne and sparkling cider for a toast, and everyone crowds around the television, watching a few musical performances before it's time to count down.

"...three, two, one, HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone chants together, cheering when the clock turns to midnight.

Joe grab's Taylor's waist and turns her body to his, pressing his lips against hers in a sweet kiss. "Our first New Year together," he whispers to her. "Of many."

"Happy New Year, babe," Taylor says to him, pressing yet another kiss against his lips. When they pull apart, they clink their champagne flutes together and each take a sip. They toast with the rest of the people in the room, and they all spend a few more minutes celebrating.

"Well," Blake says eventually, "this was so fun, but I think that we had better get going. I don't want to be too tired when we drive home, and the kids could use some sleep."

"Oh, of course," Taylor says. She pulls Blake into a hug. "Thanks for coming." She takes a deep breath. "I'm going to miss you so much, god."

"I'm going to miss you too," Blake says. "Don't worry. We'll text and call all the time. Have the best time in London. I can't wait to hear everything. I hope that I'll be able to come visit sometime."

"Please," Taylor exclaims. "You're welcome, always. You know that."

Blake smiles."Bye T."


At that, Blake rounds up her children, and everyone exchanges hugs before the family is out the door, on the way home.

With Ayla still sleeping soundly in the playroom, the adults decide to just leave her and head to bed as well.

After a great evening with her loved ones, Taylor is feeling even more ready to head into the move. A new year and new beginnings. She's taking that one pretty literally this year. She can't wait for what's in store.

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