ACT I Part 13: The past and The future

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A/N: ahh finally another chapter done now I can finally rest

assistant: There is still more chapters to write so stop being lazy


Jack's POV


Drake: Kid...


Drake: KID!

Jack: Huh?

Drake: You shouldn't sulk around what happened you have to focus on what to do for the future 

Jack: I know. But it feels like I could have done something


Jack: she WHAT?!?!

Himeko: Calm down! Capitan  I am sure she will be okay


(End of flashback)

Drake:*signs* Let me tell you something I am Herscher that has been stuck around for the past thousand years. I have seen people rise and fall to fight the Honkai, I have also seen many mistakes, accidents, tragedies and  deaths.

Jack: What are you trying to say?

Drake: I'm saying that what happened wasn't  your fault and you should , instead of sulking, be happy that she survived 

Jack: ...You are right I am sorry 

Drake: Don't. Be better

Jack: I should check on Kiana and Mei

Drake: *AHEM*

drake pointed at my broken gun 

Jack: Ha ha! I should also get that fixed 

Narrator POV

We see Jack exiting his room and walking down hallway of St Freya until he saw Kiana spying leaning next to a door

Kiana:*Whsipering* Psst Capitan over here

Jack:*Whispering* Kiana? What are you doing? 

Kiana:*Whsipering* Theresa has been acting weird ever sense we got back Mei and Bronya

Jack:*Whispering* How weird?

Kiana:*Whsipering* Weird weird and so I decided you to follow her and I need your help

Jack:*signs* fine lets go follow her

And so The little Valkyrie and her Capitan began to follow Theresa around until, They reached a mysterious door and within it was the Principal of St freya working and talking with the machine until she mysteriously disappeared

Kiana:Capitan lets go, the screen is starting disappear. We must go now!

Jack: Let's go! 

AI: Virtual space construction complete. Time: February 7th, 2000. Location: Babylon Lab, Siberia 

Jack:Oh No!


 Jack's POV

When I entered  the room, I suddenly found my self falling  from the sky in a snowy land

Jack: Ughhh. Where am I?

Drake: Hmmm? interesting... 

Jack: Brrrrrrr... It's so cold

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