Author Websites & Blogs

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What is an Author Website?

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What is an Author Website?

Your author website is where you introduce yourself to your readers. Think of it as a stage where you showcase your author brand, offer a taste of your personality, and highlight your professional work. Your website is the perfect place to list all of your books and merchandise. And, if you provide a service, such as editing, ghostwriting or mentoring, you can market that here as well. Your professional website is the first place a publisher or agent will look if they are interested in you.

What Do I Share on my Website?

The About page is where you connect with your readers, and your face is one of the most important things on this page

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The About page is where you connect with your readers, and your face is one of the most important things on this page. Ideally, your author photo should reflect your brand. For instance, you might use a smiley pose if you write chicklit, perhaps with a bright background. Or a dramatic black and white image could provoke feelings of suspense if you're a thriller author. If you write under a pseudonym or wish to protect your identity, then an avatar may be the way to go. Whichever choice you make, consider hiring a professional photographer or avatar designer. It's an investment authors can easily justify, as your image will appear on books, marketing material, articles, interviews, and much more.

Your Bio will land on your About page as well. As you might have guessed, an author bio should include things about your writing, but it should also include interesting anecdotes about yourself. Readers want to know what makes their favorite authors tick. You don't have to give away a ton of personal information. Sometimes all it takes is a poignant memory or shared quirk to help them connect and remember you.

 Sometimes all it takes is a poignant memory or shared quirk to help them connect and remember you

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