Willing to Please

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Being his did something for you, all you wanted was him. To be held by him, to be kissed by him, to just hear his voice. You were weak when it came to Hawks, it had gotten to a point where all you wanted was to be under him. To have him sinking into you, have his head buried in your neck. He placed kissed in-between his thrusting. It was a mystery how you got like this, you weren't like this with any other partner you had. So why him?

What you hadn't realized is Hawks had trained you, trained you with you even realizing. You have come so far, from only wanting him at certain times. To now craving his approval and touch at every moment of the day. Hawks may have been cooking in the kitchen while you lounged in the living room, but he knew. He knew that you were watching him cook, basically drooling over him. Unfortunately, you were still stubborn, trying to wait until he was done. He decided to amp up your excitement, taking his shirt off. Making an excuse that the heat from dinner was too much. Catching a glimpse, he saw your eyes widen, your thighs clenching together. You'll break. You always do.

Suddenly he felt your presence behind him, you were shuffling trying to keep your thighs together. Smiling to himself before facing you. "Something wrong babybird?" His tone was condensing, he knew what you wanted. All you had to do was voice your needs and he'll be happy to take care of it. Silence. You couldn't answer the question, couldn't even look him in the eyes. Although he knew what you wanted, he refused to act on it until you voiced it yourself. He couldn't have you thinking he was the one who needed it all the time. Your arms darted to his bare arms, trying to get him to turn back around and face you again. His eyes analyzed you from head to toe. Oh, how adorable it was to watch you squirm, to see how flustered you were, how you wanted him so badly, but couldn't voice it. "Come on baby, use your words." Hawks smile spread across his face. Once you opened your mouth to speak he knew he had won this little training exercise. "I-I, I need you." Your voice was meek, but it was enough for him. Enough for him to take dinner off the stove and drag you to your shared bedroom. Maybe next he'll train you to get on your knees for him as soon as he comes home from work. He could always use more stress relief and you were always so willing to help him.

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