Made For Him

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Meeting him was an accident, one that cost you your life. Or at least what was once it before he took you. You had been a normal citizen, you abided by the law, never did anything to gain any unwarranted attention. So why had Hawks the number 1 hero noticed you? Noticed you enough to take you. To steal you away from everyone you had ever loved, the life you had worked for. All gone because of him. Because he wanted to live out some weird domestic fantasy.

After the first few weeks, you had realized that fighting him was useless. The kicking, screaming and biting had no effect on him. You were to be his good little housewife no matter the cost. He had made that very clear with every punishment he had given. Every bruise and broken bone he gave you reinforced that you were helpless. You were helpless. And oh how he loved it.

Eventually you gave in. Cleaning for him, cooking and spreading your legs. You were coming to your new role well, attempting to please him at ever order to avoid his outbursts.

You had heard the door open. He was early, dinner still had 20 minutes left. Fuck, you were in trouble if he had a rough day. "Babe you're home" you hugged and kissed him. Giving him the greeting he had train you to do. "Slow day, got off early. Hope that isn't an issue?". His worse suggested he cared but you could tell by his eyes he was daring you to find an issue with his timing. "No of course not, it's a good thing you're here now. I wanted to show you something". Please say yes, please give in, you needed to buy yourself more time. Hawks smiled, you had gotten your time. You lead him to the couch, sitting him down and positioning yourself between his legs. You just needed to make him happy, make him forget dinner was still being made.

His eyes were watching you, watching your movement. Watching your fingers unblocking his belt. Your hands used to shake when doing this. He hated that, breaking some of your fingers to prove it. Fuck, how far you've come. How well you had been trained. You taking his dick as deep as you could prove that. Hawks loved how your head bobbed. How you struggled to take him all but you were so willing. So willing to please him. You make him happy.

You were made for him, he knew that from the moment he saw you. He just had to have you. Had to make you his, and oh how he did. You were even more perfect for him now. You had come so far just for him. Just to please him.

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