Just Let Go

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Living alone was becoming a struggle more and more as the months went on. It was lonely, work was being a pain in the ass in terms of accommodations. Plus you rarely wanted to leave the house anymore. Luckily your boyfriend Keigo was understanding. He helped you so much. From taking you to and from your appointments, getting you groceries, even cooking for you. As the months went on, he only got kinder. Doing more and more for you. He even helped you when you suddenly lost your job, covering your rent and food bills. When your lease was up, Keigo offered for you to move. Stating that rent was fine, all you had to do was look pretty for him. You always laughed at his jokes, always so sweet and caring. How could you say no? It took a few months, but you realized you should of. Should have taken your chances with finding a new job and place to stay. Done anything, but move in with him. Once you were settled in, things began to change. Suddenly you weren't allowed to clean. Keigo was too worried you'd fall and get hurt. Then came cooking, you could cut yourself, just let him do it. Looking for a new job ended up causing an outburst from him. Was he not good enough? Was he not showing you he could provide for you? Was something wrong with him? It took a while to talk him down, to get him to stop crying. Telling him how you would never leave him, you loved him so much. How great he was at taking care of you. You were his and he was yours. Something inside him broke hearing your words. You were his and he was yours. He needed to do everything in his power to protect you. You were so precious, like a little porcelain doll. You needed him, you really did. It wouldn't be safe for you to be alone. He would need to install some cameras in here so he could watch you while he was out at work. Oh, and don't even think about going out by yourself. It wasn't safe, he would also need to get some stronger locks for the doors and windows. You were just too sweet for him. He could never lose you. You were his like you said, no matter the cost.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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