Chapter 53: To the square of infinity

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Vienna's POV

"Marry me..." He whispered.

A soft gasp escaped my lips as I watched him grab a small, dark blue, velvet box from his pocket.

"Please..." He added before opening the small box to reveal a stunning diamond ring.

"The first time I sat eyes on you, when you barged into that men's room and kissed me out of nowhere, I felt a strange connection with you...a connection that I have never felt before...a connection that I couldn't explain to anybody back then and to be honest I still can't..." He paused with a chuckle.

"I couldn't really understand why I felt the way I felt...but somehow I just knew you were the one for me...the one who I always want in my arms...the one I want to protect and cherish at any cost...I felt as if you were born just for me and I still feel the same, I know it might sound a bit silly and old school but that's just the way I am...that's the way I love" He continued.

"After everything that we have been through, some might think that there's nothing left in our relationship...some might even think that our relationship is toxic...that our love is toxic...the world might say such things behind our backs but that's because they don't know us...they don't know the way we love eachother...they'll never understand our love..." He trailed off.

"I believe that our separations, our pain, our fights, have made our love even more stronger than it ever was and it'll keep growing stronger..." He paused once again glancing down for a second before looking up at me once again.

"We have been through enough pain and now there'll be nothing but happiness in our lives...I want to give you every happiness that there is in this world..." He paused yet again.

"So...will you let me?" He asked simply.

"Yes..." I whispered in a heartbeat as a few tears slipped down my eyes blurring my vision.

He let out a soft chuckle before grabbing the ring from the box and sliding it down my ring finger.

"I love..." I spoke as he got up, interrupting me, smashing his lips against mine and lifting me off my feet, twirling me around in his arms.

I chuckled softly once we finally pulled away and he put me down.

"For a second I was nervous about what your answer might be" He said with his arms still wrapped around my waist.

"Why" I asked out of genuine curiosity.

"Well, after the miscarriage and after everything that we have been through...I thought that you might need some more time...more space and that maybe I was rushing into things" He replied with a slight shrug to his shoulders.

"Well then..." I paused.

"You have got it all wrong. I don't need anymore time...I need you and only you" I continued resting my forehead against his.

"I love you" He whispered kissing the tip of my nose as I just smiled closing my eyes.

Is this even real?

How come I became so fortunate to have a man like Ryan in my life?

I chuckled shaking my head.

"What" He asked pulling away.

"'s just that...everything feels so surreal, like it's some beautiful dream that I might wake up from very soon" I replied.

"Considering our history and the amount of time our happiness lasts, I feel kinda scared and's like everything's way too easy...everything's going too some kinda calm before the storm...a storm that might destroy everything..." I added as my lips almost trembled while I poured my fears out to him as he interrupted me.

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