Chapter 26: My everything

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Ryan's POV

I sighed as my eyes lingered on Vienna's retreating figure.

I hate it when we argue but it seems like that's all we keep doing these days...honestly I miss our college days when everything was pretty much normal and things were amazingly good between us.

Only if fate hadn't played this cruel game between us where I had to leave her because I didn't want her to get involved in this kind of dangerous life with me, we would have probably been married by now.

And I guess we would have even had a few babies by now, I couldn't help but let out a dry chuckle at the thought...the thought which was once a dream for both of us.

"Oh the plans we made together" I murmured to myself.

I shouldn't have talked so rudely to her though...I mean what can I say, I was actually mad at her for what she said earlier...I know it may sound a little childish of me but it really did piss me off.

But me saying no for the party had nothing to do with me being mad at her. I said no because we still haven't found out who was behind that attack back at the mansion yet and I can't certainly say that whoever was behind it, won't try to harm me or even my family again and I definitely don't want to take any kinds of risks where my family is involved.

And speaking of family, I'm sure Scarlett and Charlotte would understand the reason behind me stopping them from going to this party, they have been living this kind of life even when our father was alive...we all have, so I was pretty sure they won't argue over it much but I knew that Vienna would.

And that's exactly what happened just a few minutes ago.

I know this all is just too new for her but she needs to understand that I can't and won't take any risks where her life is involved, just like my family's.

She is my everything.

If something ever happens to her...

I can't even imagine what my life would be like, without her.

The truth is that...I really don't know how to live without her...I tried once and me basically kidnaping her and shipping her here...back to me is a crystal clear evidence that I couldn't.

I sighed once again.

I think I was just too rude with her earlier and our relationship is already going through a rough patch and all this will only create more and more problems between us...I guess I should go and talk to her and maybe even apologize.

Nodding my head to myself in agreement I jumped off the plushy chair I was sitting on and made my way out...towards our room thinking that as it's quite late in the night, she must be in there sleeping.

But alas, I was wrong...she wasn't there.

I frowned looking at the empty, well made and cold bed which clearly indicated that she hasn't been here in hours.

So where is she? I wondered.

Oh of course she must be with my annoying sisters...she gets along with them very well to which I'm glad because now a days when she doesn't wants to be around me much, I'm just glad that she has someone she can hang out with.

Knocking on Samantha's room's door, I impatiently waited for some response from inside but when I got none, I turned the knob realising that it was open all this time. Stepping inside, I shook my head and couldn't help but feel irritated as I have already checked Scarlett and Charlotte's rooms too but their rooms were empty too and now they all are not here too.

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