Chapter 15: The storm as the calm ends

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Ryan's POV

"I still can't believe that you played with my feelings and left..." I whispered caressing mine and Vienna's picture on my's of the time when we were in carefree and happy together...there was literally nothing and no one who could part us.

We made so many plans many dreams...that how we'll get married after we'll travel the world together and then at some point in life we'll start a family...have probably three or maybe four kids but unfortunately I had to leave for some reasons.

I couldn't bring Vienna along with me because I never wanted to get her involved in all this...the future we both desired, the dreams, the plans we made together were all shattered suddenly.

Fate has been really unfair with both of us.

But still I wanted Vienna to have everything that we planned...everything that she wanted in life even though I couldn't be a part of it.

There would have been just a slight difference in all the plans we made...that it would not involve me but some other guy who would always keep her happy...give her the future...the love that she deserves.

But easier thought than done because the moment I saw that guy...wait what was his name...yeah Jason, trying his luck with my Vienna at every chance he got, I just couldn't handle all that I mean yeah I was the one who wanted Vienna to move have a normal life without me and the darkness that comes along with me.

But I just couldn't see her with someone else and that was the moment I realized that no matter what happens I can never let her go...she's just mine and I can never see her with someone else. It just burned my insides each time I saw her with that guy.

So I brought you here...okay fine I kidnapped you and kind of shipped you here...all over to Russia so that we could be together.

"But you my ran away from me and that's the biggest mistake of your life..." I paused.

"No actually the mistake was all mine. I underestimated just simply never occurred to me that you could do something like this but I should have known better. Normally I would have been more careful with you because I know you very well but that night you made me believe that you accept me back with my new life and I was beyond happy after knowing that and just like that I let my guard down and the princess escaped" I continued talking while staring at her picture in which fact we both looked like we were the happiest people on earth.

"But don't worry love soon you'll be back exactly where you belong" I added before shutting my phone and keeping it aside as I closed my eyes leaning back against the chair I was sitting on.

I sighed as I heard the door of my study open and someone's footsteps as they walked in.

I guess it's David.

I know why he's here...probably to ask me once again why am I still not making any move...that why are we still in Russia and not in Vienna's hometown to get her back.

"Ryan..." And soon I heard him calling me out.

"Yes" I replied with my eyes still closed.

"I think you should know..." He started speaking.

"I know you are gonna say the same thing again that why am I sitting here so relaxed and not making any move..." I said interrupting him.

"But my answers will be the same as before...I just want her to enjoy her victory for a while after all she has put so many efforts to escape from me so I'll just let her spend some great time with her family thinking that she's free" I continued.

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