Chapter 31: I said yes

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Vienna's POV

Expecting him to be gone by now to take a shower as he said earlier, I huffed out a tired sigh before turning around but to my surprise he wasn't in the shower, instead he was standing by the nightstand with a half open drawer and with his back facing me.

Well...he seems to be in some really deep thoughts.

"Ryan..." I called out subconsciously as he just cleared his throat before speaking.

"Now that we were talking about what happened a few days back...I mean about your little runaway plan, which failed of course..." He paused before turning around to face me.

"I thought maybe it's high time we should talk about these" He continued while looking down at something which seemed like some pictures to me, in his hand.

"I was completely ignoring them...I didn't even want to talk about it...because honestly I feel nothing but a burning rage inside me whenever I see these pictures..." He paused yet again making me curious about what was it about those pictures that makes him so mad and most of all, why is he telling all this to me?

Is it something related to me?

Are those pictures somehow related to me?

"So I thought that it's best for both of us if I never bring this topic up...if I pretend as if I never saw them...if I pretend that what's happening in these pictures never actually happened at all but as you said earlier there's no point in ignoring or delaying our problems" He added before finally moving his gaze from those pictures to me.

"What are you talking about Ryan? I don't understand" I said frowning.

"I'm saying that now I have changed my mind about never discussing about these pictures with you, now I want to talk about it" He replied and suddenly his voice was lacking that softness that it always has whenever he talks to me, instead his voice was kind of still and cold this time.

I gulped unknowingly as I can sense that whatever it is about those pictures, it has got him really mad for some reason.

"What the fuck is this Vienna" He asked before throwing the pictures at me as I just stared at him blankly, confused before glancing down and picking up the pictures that have fallen down near my feet.

I almost gasped as I looked down at the pictures in my hand before glancing up at Ryan once and then back at the pictures.

These pictures are of the time when I placed a fake marriage proposal in front of Jason, back at my mother's place but instead of a fake one he suggested a real one and went down on one knee to propose me.

But how does Ryan...

Did he have someone spying me?

Was I being watched all the time I was at my mom's place?

"Surprised how I have those pictures" Ryan asked sarcastically gaining my attention.

"But that's not what matters right now...what matters is what the fuck is going on in those pictures?" He added gritting his teeth, pointing a finger at the pictures in my hand.

"What was that prick even thinking while proposing you. How dare he even think about doing that" He said as if talking to himself.

"You have no idea Vienna how freaking hard it was for me to leave him alive after what he did...even after clearly knowing that you are spoken for" He added.

"It was me" I murmured.

"What" He asked.

"It was me who proposed the idea of getting married" I replied honestly.

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