Chapter 1

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"Mommy look pwetty." Areum said while showing her mom a flower she just found. "Wow sweety thats so beautifull." Jin smiled towards his daughter.

"I know, Areum only likes pwetty thingies. Just like mommy" The little girl smiled. "Yes just like mommy." Jin kissed his daughters cheek. 

"Shall we go now sweety." Jin said. "No mommy wanna pway." Areum pouted. "Oh sweety mommy will make you some flower pancakes when we get home." Jin said. 

"Wealy flowers pancwake?" Areum said with big eyes. "Yes sweety." "Yes I'm gwoing home now." She said while running away.

"Not so fast Areum wait for mommy." Jin screamed while running after his daughter.


Jin is Areums biological mother, he gave birth to her. How? you may ask. Well there is a small part of the men who can get pregnant, but that's a very small part slightly more than 1 percent.

When Jin was seventeen he met Areums dad. He was a half Korean, half American boy who was two years older then Jin. He was a transfer student at Jin's highschool. 

The moment Jin saw the boy he was in love. A case of love at first sight. 

Jin was know for his beauty since his first year of highschool. A lot of people wanted to be him or with him. But Jin never had any feelings for those people who tried to be with him until that one guy.

His name was Liam. He had beautifull dark eyes, blonde dyed hair and some beautifull muscles. Jin liked that very much.

But Jin already saw his change flying out of the window when a lot of girls and boys where talking about him. And he knew he would never had a change to be even close to him.

Weeks went by and the new guy never payed any attention to Jin. But then one day the teacher anounced that they would be working in pairs for their upcomming group project.

And to Jin's surprise he was paired with his crush Liam. The guy already walked towards him with his seductive look.

He was pretty nice when they talked about their project and he even invited Jin to sit with him at lunch. Jin just couldn't say no to that his head was in the clouds. His crush actually talked to him.

After a long day of school Jin invited Liam to his house to work on the project. He agreed and they did this almost everyday. 

After a few days Jin saw a change of behviour in Liam. He came closer and he would hang out more and more with Jin. The stupid seventeen year old Jin liked this and didn't mind at all.

Then a few days later Liam said they could also hang out at his place because they were always at Jin's house. So Jin agreed. And that night Liam kissed Jin. Jin loved it and for him it all felt like a dream come true.

Weeks went by and they got closer and closer. They would also make out from time to time. But for Liam it went to slow. So he asked Jin out on a date.

They went on a date to a restaurant and Liam asked Jin to become his boyfriend which Jin happyly agreed to.

There relationship was perfect almost too perfect. 

But one night Jin's stupid innocent seventeen year old mind didn't stop Liam when he went a step further. Because Jin didn't know anything about sex he didin't notice Liam not putting on a condom.

And that leaded to Jin being in the hospital with his parents by his side and doctor telling them Jin was pregnant. Jin's parents were disguisted and forced Jin to abord the bay or he would be kicked ot of the house.

Jin was surprised by his parents but he knew when he saw his baby on the screen he wanted to keep it. Even if he had no one left.

The next they he walked towards Liams house thinking Liam would be happy to be a dad. But he was not when he heard the news he threw things at Jin and told him to leave and never show his face again.

That's how Jin ended up pregnant at seventeen almost eighteen with his baby girl working multiple jobs at a time and living in a tiny one bedroom apartment.

Live wasn't great but Jin tried to make the best of it.

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