Chapter 11

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Namjoon walked into the classroom He saw that most of the tables were all occupied and that almost everyone was seated.

He set his bag on the desk and took out the papers and books he needed. 

He then looked around the classroom one more time and locked eyes with Jin. Namjoon saw a blush forming on Jins face and gave a smile in return.

"Okay let's start todays lesson." Namjoon the anounced before grabbing the chalk so he could write something on the board.

"Who did the homework assignment I gave?" Namjoon asked as he looked into the classroom. Namjoon sighed when he saw no hands in the air.

"Really nobody at all?!" Namjoon said before hearing a small voice in the back of the room. "I made it, sir." Someone said and when Namjoon looked in that direction he saw it was Jin.

"Thank you Jin for making it." Namjoon smiled at him.

"And for the rest, next week I want a summary of all the chapters we covered and the homework that should have been done today." Namjoon said with a serious look before turning back to the board.

Then Namjoon continued with the lesson.

But the whole lesson one person looked at the board with a confused look. Like Namjoon was talking in another language.

Namjoon had known that for a long time and planned to call that student to him at the end of the lesson.

"Okay the lesson is over now everyone can go." Namjoon said. But before anyone could leave the room, he said something else. "Seokjin can you come and see me for a moment."

When Jin heard those words comming from Namjoon's mouth he slightly panicked. 'Did I do something wrong.' Jin instantly thought.

Jin then walked towards Namjoons desk with a nervous look on his face. Namjoon was cleaning some stuff when he saw Jin walking towards him.

"Mr. Kim you wanted to speak to me." Jin said with a soft voice.

"Oh yeah Seokjin I wanted to talk to you about my subject."Namjoon said. "What about it sir, and please call me Jin."

"I noticed that outside of my classes you do all the work very well, but during class you look at the board rather confused." Namjoon said as he sat down behind his desk.

"Is there a reason behind that?" He asked.

"Well I just don't understand everything you say sir, I find it dificult at most times." Jin admitted. 

"Well that's okay Jin but next time just tell me that so I can help you. I'm not only your teacher but also your friend, okay?" Namjoon smiled.

"Thank you sir."

"I want to help you Jin." Namjoon said. "Huh." Jin replied confused.

"I want to help you with my subject. How about I give you extra lessons 2 days in the week after school." Namjoon sugested. "Thank you sir that would really help me." Jin thanked Namjoon.

"Okay, you can come every wednesday and friday to my office after school for the lessons." 

"Thank you sir." Jin said before he wanted to leave.

"Oh and Jin." Namjoon interupted him.

"Yes sir."

"Call me Namjoon." Namjoon said before he left the classroom where he left a Jin with a blush on is face.

'Ugh why does he have this affect on me, I don't even want this.' Jin thought with a sigh before also leaving the classroom.

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