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Meredith shifted uncomfortably in her seat, trying her best to ignore the way Derek was gently massaging her thigh. He'd somehow come up with the idea that paying attention to the professor as he lectured about brain synapses and the functions of the frontal lobe was unnecessary, and it was much more fun to watch Meredith squirm as he slowly tried to turn her on.

"Derek," she hissed as he leaned close to her and nibbled gently on her ear.

"Hmmm?" he whispered, not letting go of her ear.

"Class, we're in class," Meredith stated as she tried to move away from him and write down the notes from the board.

"I know," Derek whispered huskily. "I missed that last part, I need to get your notes."

Meredith rolled her eyes as he leaned close, pretending that he was looking at her notes as he moved his hand to the waistband of her jeans, gently brushing against the sensitive skin just below her belly button. "Derek, seriously," she hissed, ignoring the shivers that ran down her spine. "If you ever want to do that, I'd suggest that you stop right now."

"Hmmm," Derek sighed. "I think you like it."

Meredith closed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to ignore the feelings of arousal that were surging through her body at the feeling of Derek's rough fingers against her skin. "We have a test next week."

"I'll help you study," he murmured in her ear.

Before Meredith could respond, she noticed people standing up and moving towards the door, and breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that class was over. She pulled away from Derek as she shoved her books back into her bag, shooting him a dirty look. "I hate you," she declared.

Derek smirked as he slid his own books into his backpack. "You do not," he replied.

"I do," Meredith said with a firm nod, turning to walk out the door. "Hate, Derek."

"You liked it," Derek said. "I could tell by your eyes."

"My eyes?" Meredith asked.

"Yeah," Derek said, grabbing her arm to pull her close to him, his eyes glazing over with a look of pure adoration. "They turned dark green, and I could just tell...you want me."

Meredith rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to argue with that," she said. "But I'm not going to let the first time we do that be in the middle of class."

Derek paused for a moment. "So after we've done it we can do it in class?" he asked.

Meredith smiled coyly. "We'll have to wait and see about that," she said as she slid her hand into his, lacing their fingers together.

"Well, I can't wait until that day comes," he said with a smile.

Meredith smiled as they reached the cafeteria, grabbing trays as they walked through the food line. "You're being very patient, Derek, and I appreciate it," she said as they sat down at a quiet table in the corner.

Derek flashed her a smile. "I'm going at your pace, Mer," he reminded her quietly, in what had become his mantra in the past couple weeks since they had decided not to see other people.

Meredith smiled as she reached across the table to squeeze her hand. "Soon, Derek," she promised gently. "I'll be ready soon."


"Where's he taking you again?" Addison asked as she watched Meredith pull the last of her curlers out of her hair.

"The Italian place down the road," Meredith replied. "He said they have the best lasagna in town."

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