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"Stupid washing machine," Meredith muttered as she threw another bra over her shoulder. "Stupid Derek." She'd gone through every single one of her bras and not a single one of them fit. Derek was a complete idiot. The man couldn't even do laundry.

"Wow," she heard her stupid husband's voice say from behind her. "Now this is a sight I like coming home to."

Meredith turned to stare at him, her eyes landing on him as he stood behind her, holding the black bra in his hands as he smirked slightly.

"You," she snapped. "Seriously, Derek, can't you even do laundry?"

"I...what?" Derek frowned.

"All my bras shrunk," Meredith shouted, throwing another bra at him. "And it's your fault, because your mother did your laundry until you were twenty, and now you have no idea what you're doing and you're ruining all my clothes!"

"My mom didn't..." Derek started to argue but quickly remembered the warnings he'd received from Nathan. "Mer...I don't think it's the bras that changed size."

"Are you saying I'm fat?" she snapped.

"No," Derek said quickly, reaching for her. "But your boobs are a little...enhanced."

"You mean fat."

"No," Derek said quickly, reaching out to trace her breasts with his hand. "They're bigger. I like it."

Meredith winced as he cupped a breast gently in his hand, feeling the tenderness as he lowered his mouth to her nipple. "Derek," she whispered, pulling him back slightly.

"Mer," he sighed. "I know your body's changing. And I like it. It just means that you're getting ready to grow my baby. And honestly...do you really think I'd complain about these?"

Meredith smiled softly as she grabbed his hand as he reached for her breasts again. "I'm glad you still think I'm beautiful," she said softly. "Really, Der, I am. But they're sore."

"Oh," Derek nodded. "Sorry."

"It's okay," she smiled softly. "I just...I need to figure something out. Because I can't go to your mother's house for dinner without a bra."

Derek sighed. "We'll stop at a store on the way," he said. "Pick up some maternity clothes."

Meredith's smile fell as she stared at him. "I do not need maternity clothes, Derek Christopher," she snapped. "Just bigger bras."

"Bigger bras," Derek nodded. "Right."

"And I don't look pregnant, right?" Meredith asked. "Because I know it's horrible to hide this from our family, but I just want to wait until we know everyting's okay. But we couldn't say no when Mom asked us to come over to dinner, so...I don't look pregnant, right?"

"No," Derek shook his head. "Is your stomach...Can I...?"

"Of course," Meredith giggled softly. "Just the boobs are off limits."

"Damn shame," Derek sighed before he sank to his knees in front of her. "Hey baby," he whispered. "Daddy and Mommy are going over to Grandma's for a little while. She's really going to love you when she finds out about you, but she doesn't know yet. So Mommy and Daddy can't talk to you for a couple hours, but don't worry. That doesn't mean we don't love you. And Daddy will make up for it when we get home."

"Derek," Meredith smiled softly. "She can't hear you."

"Of course she can."

"Whatever," Meredith rolled her eyes. "Are you done? I need to get dressed."

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