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"Wake up, Mrs. Shepherd."

Meredith felt a warm breath in her ear and she reached up to swat at the annoying voice beside her head. Early. It was way to early.

"Meredith. Wake up."

"No," she mumbled, clutching her pillow tightly in her hands. "Awake stupid."

Derek laughed slightly, and she felt him climb into bed beside her. "Happy birthday, Mer," he whispered in her ear.

Meredith sighed dramatically as she rolled onto her back and looked up at him. "There better be presents," she said.

"How was I lucky enough to end up with such a polite wife?" Derek laughed, pulling her close to kiss her.

"You'd think you would be nice to me on my birthday."

"I'm always nice to you." He smiled as he leaned closer. "I was very nice to you last night."

Meredith giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well, since you insisted that sleeping with a twenty four year old is so much different than sleeping with a twenty three year old...why don't we test out that theory?"

Derek smiled as he pressed his lips against hers. "We will," he nodded. "But breakfast first."

"Breakfast?" Meredith's eyes lit up as she turned to the tray Derek was reaching for on the bedside table. "You're the best husband ever."

"So I've heard," Derek laughed.

"Hmmm," Meredith groaned in appreciation as she cut into her French toast. She chewed for a moment before she said, "Mom's coming at noon. What time is it?"

"Nine thirty," Derek nodded. "Plenty of time for lots of birthday sex."

"You're assuming a lot, Shepherd," Meredith giggled. "I think I want presents before I want sex."

Derek frowned. "What if my present is sex?"

"Expect the divorce papers in a week to ten days."

"You'd divorce me because I didn't buy you presents?"

"Yes," Meredith nodded, her eyes sparkling. "That, and the fact that you kept me up until five in the morning with dirty dirty sex, then woke me up four hours later. Without presents."

Derek laughed as he reached out to steal a piece of bacon from her plate. "You know there are presents," he laughed.

"Good," Meredith nodded, looking up at him with a sweet smile on her face.

"Oh, you want them now," Derek said, laughing as he stood and walked over to the wrapped presents sitting on the dresser.

Meredith's eyes began to sparkle as he deposited the presents on the bed in front of her. "I love you."

"Two seconds ago you were divorcing me."

"I was joking," Meredith rolled her eyes. "You know I could never divorce you."

"Because then who would feed you?"

"Exactly," Meredith giggled before she leaned forward and kissed him deeply, running a hand through his hair. "Seriously, Derek, you know I'm kidding, right?"

"I do," he nodded, squeezing her hand gently. "Now presents."

"Presents," Meredith giggled as she reached for the smallest one, opening it quickly to reveal a silver charm bracelet. "Oh," she said, looking a the small chain, with only one charm on it.

"Don't get disappointed yet," Derek laughed. "It's just starting this year. I'll get you a new charm every year. I wish I'd thought of it for your first birthday that we were together, but this is your first birthday that we're married, so that works too."

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