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Meredith sighed, rubbing her chest as she poured herself a tall glass of milk. According to Beth, milk was the only thing that could alleviate the intense heartburn that had started a few days before. She'd finally been able to alleviate the pain in her chest that morning, but then she'd eaten spaghetti for dinner, since it was the only thing she could cook and Derek was at Kathleen's apartment. She was still banned from visiting her sister in law, but Derek seemed to be there every waking moment.

She knew it was nothing personal. If she were to lose the baby that she was carrying, the last thing she would want would be to have another pregnant woman constantly hanging around her. But she missed her husband. The perfect, amazing husband and father he'd been for the past month had turned into a ghost, a man who slept beside her every night and kissed her stomach every morning before he left to go take care of his sister. He didn't even know what she was going through right now.

Derek had no idea that her jeans were now just a little too tight, or that the only way she could get her chest to stop hurting was to drink a tall glass of milk. He had no idea that his baby now had fingers and toes, or that their baby's eyes were beginning to develop. He hadn't even recognized that her breasts had grown another entire cup size, and if he were to realize one thing about what was going on with her, she knew that would be it.

She glanced up as the door opened and her exhausted husband walked in. "Hey," she said, walking into the foyer, still clutching her glass of milk tightly in her hands.

"Mer," he frowned. "What are you doing up?"

"Heartburn," she shrugged. "No big deal."

Derek frowned. "You're drinking milk," he stated. "You never drink milk."

"It helps with the heartburn," Meredith shrugged. "It's the only way I can get to sleep."

Derek's brow furrowed even more. "Since when has that been a problem?" he asked.

"Just a couple days," she shrugged. "It's really not a big deal, Der."

Before he could respond, there was a quick knock on the door, and Nathan poked his head in. "Hey, Mer, Derek," he said. "Sorry it's so late. I just wanted to tell you I had to run out for a late night taco run, so I picked up some more milk for your heartburn. I also grabbed some bubblegum, it's been helping Beth."

"Thanks, Nathan," Meredith smiled as she reached for the offered items. "I'm just finishing off the last of my milk now."

"No problem," he smiled. "I um...I'll see you in the morning?"

"Sounds good," she nodded.

Derek frowned as he watched Nathan leave, then turned back to Meredith. "Nathan knows about all that?" he asked.

Meredith rolled her eyes. "Derek, do not pull out the jealousy card now," she snapped. "Nathan is my friend. I've been spending a lot of time with Beth, and he's noticed what's made me feel better. He knows you're busy, and he's just trying to help. You'd do the same for Beth. So do not go all green on me now."

"I'm not jealous," Derek shook his head, reaching for a kitchen chair. "I just...I should know these things. I should be doing this for you, not Nathan."

Meredith shrugged. "It's not a big deal," she said. "Kathleen needs you."

"Kathleen has a husband," Derek replied. "And my mother. I left you alone."

Meredith sighed as she walked over to him, settling herself in his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm fine, Derek," she said softly. "I don't need you to take care of me. I just...I missed you."

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