Chapter One: Reunion

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"Why don't we get you outside? Get some fresh air, huh?" Rex patted her gently on the back and smirked. "Plus I've got a surprise for you I think you'll really like."

"That's what you said last time we were on Hoth and it ended with a tauntaun running me over," Cass chuckled tiredly and pulled her robes tighter around her arms.

"I promise you, it's nothing like that," Rex answered in a tone that assured her he was being truthful.

She pursed her lips and continued to follow Rex's lead through the corridors. She held her hands together and rubbed a thumb against her palm, something she did when she was anxious, and kept her head down. She took a deep breath before the doors opened, then they were met with a cool wind caused from constant ships coming and going above their heads. The hood of her cloak blew off her head, revealing two long purple braids that were clearly a few days old.  The front pieces of her hair were white and set in two smaller braids, one framing each side of her face. Her eyes darted around, yet there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Rex, what-"

"Just wait," he held up a finger and took his helmet off, resting it against his hip.

She blew out a breath and continued to scan her surroundings. Her senses drew her to an attack shuttle swooping in from above, attempting to land in a chaotic fashion.

"Isn't that the Havoc Marauder?" Cass gestured towards the ship.

"Yep," Rex smirked.

"You wanted me to meet Clone Force 99? That's your big surprise?" The young Jedi squinted at Rex and raised a brow.

"Not specifically," he turned to her and met her eyes with an expression Cass couldn't quite read. "But I'd like you to see their newest recruit."

Cass turned her head back towards the ship and observed as it landed with a thud, then released the door. She sensed a presence that she hadn't felt in years, one that felt close to Rex's energy. It couldn't be, could it? A figure appeared, one Cass almost didn't recognize. As soon as he stepped into the natural light of the sun, her eyes widened and her breath hitched.

"Echo?" she almost whispered as she remained froze in her tracks.

"Cass," he said breathlessly and smiled, hurrying down the platform as fast as he could.

She ran towards the clone and stopped a foot short of him. She took a second to look him over, slowly raising her hands to his face and cupping his cheeks. He watched her eyes flicker all over him, from the new parts on his head to his new hand. His face was much more hollow and pale, and her heart ached for him. But he was there. Alive. That's all that mattered.

She gently tugged him close and wrapped her arms around his torso, keeping a gentle yet firm hold on him. He returned the gesture, matching her strength to hold her just as tight.

"I thought you were gone," Cass mumbled into his shoulder, then felt him hum in response.

"Can't get rid of me that easy, kid," he smiled down at her and rested his cheek against her head for a moment. When she leaned back and he took a more thorough glance at her face, he furrowed his brows. He noticed the darkness under her eyes and the fresh scar across her eyebrow. A bruise laced her jaw and her eyes were slightly red, likely from crying the night before. She looked weak, seeming as if it was taking everything in her not to crumble into tears.

"What happened?" he gestured to the wounds on her face, gently gracing a finger over her bruise.

Her smile immediately faltered, and Echo instantly regretted asking.

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